Here are the ultrasound pictures from last Monday.Luke and I came home to Buffalo this weekend for our family baby shower. It was lots of fun and Hailey received some beautiful clothes and other useful things. We are flying home today. Thank goodness this is my last trip until after Hailey is born. Flying has really become quite a pain in the butt (or gut as the case may be).Anyway, we've had some requests to have a game for guessing Hailey's weight. So, leave comments with your guess, and I'll summarize them all in a future blog. Then, we'll see who is closest. Don't forget that at 31 weeks, she was 3lbs 11oz so you can figure it out from there. Happy Guessing!
Forgive me Blog Friends for I have sinned. It's been 2 weeks since my last post! I can't believe that two weeks have passed. We are at 32 weeks today. We had our last ultrasound on Monday. Of course, I have a few pictures to show off, but I'm waiting for Luke to scan them into the computer. Hailey is looking good. She weighs about 3lbs 11oz now. Luke thinks that she is going to be above 8 lbs, but I'm thinking she'll be in the low 7 lb range. Let's just hope that she doesn't have a giant head like her daddy did when he was born. Anyway, she yawned while we were watching her, and she's already got her head down. She also has one foot sitting right at my ribs on the right side. No wonder she gives me a swift karate kick up there from time to time.
In other exciting development news, Hailey's begun experiencing the hiccups from time to time. That's a really odd feeling. She also has some hair on her head (I can't wait to see what color it is since it's really a crap shoot with us). I think that fingernails and toenails are also there. She's just like a super-miniature person at this point!
We have a new game at our house. Luke and I play it right before we go to bed. Usually when I lay down, Hailey starts kicking over on my right side. The other night we realized that we can actually feel her little feet (or what I think are feet) when they stick out. I'm pretty sure that she was thinking it was a fun game to kick and feel Luke's hand sort of nudge her foot. It seemed like she was playing with us because she kept doing it over and over again for what seemed like forever (from the standpoint of the kickee, that is). She was probably just trying to get comfortable somehow, but it's really fun to think that we are sort of "interacting" with her while she's inside my belly.
Today is the beginning of week 30! Only 12 more days until our next ultrasound!!!
This is our cat, Anubis, trying to catch the fish that are swimming across the computer screen!

Take a look at that outy belly button! Yikes! Next week we'll hit the 30 week mark. I can't believe that there will only be 10 weeks left. Hailey has been very active lately. She's starting to get a schedule going so I know when to anticipate the heaviest kicking. Plus, when she kicks I can feel her little body parts in there if I just press down a little bit. It's really weird. I wish that I knew what I was feeling. I'll probably figure it out as she gets bigger.
In other exciting news, random strangers are now commenting on my pregnancy. So, I guess that I'm finally beyond the point where people are too scared to ask. Making it to almost 30 weeks without openly "showing" is quite an accomplishment I would say, but now it's getting hotter out and I should be garnering a little more sympathy. I can hear it now, "You poor thing. You must be so hot and uncomfortable. Here let me carry those groceries for you." Excellent!