See grossness coming out of eyes and nose!
Like me, you may have forgotten this venerable American holiday. Groundhog day, aside from being a funny movie, is the day when a groundhog predicts whether we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Well, good ole Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year, which means 6 more weeks of winter.
As ridiculous as this forecasting may seem, I can completely see why someone made up this stupid holiday, aside from the fact that it’s the only way that Punxsutawney, PA can attract tourists. I’m sure that the reasoning went something like this: “I’m tired of winter; let’s invent a way to predict whether or not spring will come soon. Oh, and let’s be sure to involve some type of rodent in the process.”
I’m getting that spring fever a bit myself lately. I think it has to do with the fact that the weather here has been fluctuating between 70 and 30 degrees daily. It’s a daily tease. Plus, I’m tired of someone always being sick. Between Luke, Hailey, and myself, our house is like an infirmary for the chronically cranky. Hailey’s most recent ailment was pink eye, and now she has a cough. I just feel crappy in general. So, you can see why I’m longing for spring.
I know that all of you people up North are cursing me now because it’s likely that you won’t see spring until May. We, on the other hand, will be enjoying warm weather soon enough. Good thing I finally broke down and bought Hailey that warm winter coat that you’ve been nagging me about. I guess she’ll wear it on our upcoming trip to Buffalo.