Thursday, August 28, 2008
"I'm Not Crazy...I'm Eating"
I told Hailey she was crazy because she stuffed a whole strawberry in her mouth, and this was the response I got. Not sure why I thought it was so funny. Maybe it's just because I've been away from her for 3 days.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Our Latest Princess Purchase
That being said, on our last trip to Target (thus the previous post), I wanted to buy Hailey some bedding for her new big girl bed. Shocker as to what she picked out...Princesses! As a compromise, I offered to buy her a Princess stool in exchange for buying bedding that was not adorned with Princesses but also was made out of something other than 100% Polyester. My sinister plan worked. She latched on to the stool. I was thrilled because she actually needed a stool to get on the potty all by herself. I'm a genius!
Yes, I was a genius until we got home. That's where my plan fell apart. Shockingly, she's not interested in using the stool for the potty. No. She wants to use the stool to run around the house flicking the lights on and off, reaching things on the counter, and otherwise making mischief at heights never before thought possible. Now, I know that she didn't intentionally trick me into buying the stool so that she could use it for these ulterior motives, but sometimes I just get the sense that she's outsmarted me again!
Top 10 Reasons You Should NOT Take a Toddler to Target
9. Sitting in the cart is only a temporary state of being.
8. Clothes racks make fun forts.
7. Giant red balls out front require inspection from on top.
6. Over-stimulation makes for good times for hours to come.
5. So much to grab, so little time.
4. Hide and seek made easy.
3. Quite an audience for the next tantrum.
2. Candy, candy, candy.
1. Something with a princess (or car) on it will make it's way into your cart.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Princess, Her Mother, and the Princess Pull-Ups
Then one day, the evil mother did not bring enough diapers to school, and one of the Princess's teachers decided that it would be a good idea to put the Princess in a princess pull-up. The Princess immediately recognized the beautiful Disney princesses that adorned the pull-up. That day she went home and demanded that the evil mother buy her princess pull-ups. "How could this have happened," the evil mother wondered. Her secret plan to move straight to undies had been foiled!
After much prodding, the evil mother consented and purchased the princess pull-ups at the magic princess grocery store. With the pull-ups on her behind, the Princess had even more success with potty training. Her great potty success meant that she could wear each pull-up for longer because they stay dry. The evil mother learned a very valuable lesson from the princess pull-up incident: when it is time to move to big girl panties, she better find some with princesses on them. Oh and also, don't be a cheapskate when it comes to the Princess's welfare and development. With princess pull-ups stocked all over the castle, they all lived happily ever after. The end.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I Still Fit in My Pants!!!
Unfortunately, I am breaking into the Pepcid bottle already. I don't remember having heartburn this soon with Hailey. I guess it is different with every pregnancy. Can't wait to see what other fun stuff NBH (New Baby Hamilton) has in store for me!
The Loop
Here's another example:
Hailey: "Where Daddy go?"
Mommy: "Daddy's at work today"
Hailey: "Where Daddy go?"
Mommy: "Daddy's still at work"
Hailey: "Where Daddy go?"
Mommy: "Still at work, Hailey."
Hailey: "Where Daddy go?"
Mommy: "Look, I see a puppy."
Friday, August 08, 2008
The Premonition
Two nights ago, I had a nightmare. Hailey, Luke, Josie, and I were at a friend’s house for a party, but all of a sudden the weather turned dangerous. The winds picked up and a terrible storm moved through. All of the humans hid in an interior room, but Josie would not follow. When the storm passed, we took my friend’s monster pick-up truck out to survey the wreckage. (No my friend does not actually own a monster pick-up truck…what kind of friends do you think I have?). We drove the monster truck down our street and realized that our house had been destroyed by a series of tornadoes that had moved through the area.
Summary of the dream: Outside force comes into our lives, destroys our house, and alienates our dog.
Interpretation: It’s a boy.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Well, most of you guessed it from my not-so-subtle hint in my last post. Here are the details:
Due date: 3/10/08
Sex: Unknown at this point but we will be finding out in November or December
Hailey's Age at Birth of Sibling: Close to 3
Baby Heartbeat: YES
Mommy's Physical State: Nauseous, tired, cranky (that's a physical state these days)
Mommy's Emotional State: Ask me in a few minutes as I'm sure it will change.
Hailey's Choice of Brother or Sister: Neither, either, or TV instead, depending on when you ask her
Daddy's Favorite Question: "Hailey, what's in Mommy's belly?"
Hailey's Response: "Baby in belly"
Hailey's Understanding of Response: None