There it is in all of its glory...the belly!!! Ok. It doesn't look like much, but it is at 33". Plus, the belly button is getting all hard and shallow. BH is now 5.5" long and has all of his/her little organs. Today is the first day of Week 19. Apparently, in the next month the baby will grow 2 more inches. Yikes! There will definitely be some serious belly expansion then.
The belly is looking good. The bargain hunting is great. All the little outfits we dug out at your Dad's house are washed and ready to go. We need a girl for some of these outfits since you were the last person to wear them. Don't stress over the name your not under any pressure until your ready to leave the hospital. We couldn't leave til we named you. We studied the name book diligently that last day and hence Alisa Catherine Palmisano was released. Maybe if you delay they'll let you stay longer. Its so nice when the nurses do everything for you. Then you get home and the crying begins....
Love Mom
How about a photo of the expanding butt too? Sorry, misery loves company! This is so exciting! And next week we get to know the sex! In terms of names, how about reversing yours? Or a form of Catherine, like Kate, Caitlyn. Of course, Ann is a very good choice. Works well as a middle name too! Leave it to your Dad, the English teacher, to think of books at a time like this. Sorry Peter, I vote "no" to Paige (That is, if I have a vote) You look great! Keep up the good work!
Love, Auntie Ann
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