Monday, March 20, 2006

Explaining the Pregnant Waddle

If you're like me (and hopefully you're not), you've often found yourself watching pregnant women waddling around the grocery store or the mall or wherever and found yourself wondering, "what is it about a big belly that makes people waddle." You may have also noticed that big, fat men with bellies larger than some pregnant women do not tend to waddle. So, what gives?

Well, now that I've experienced this phenomenon myself, I've decided to shed a little light on the subject. I have discovered that there are at least three reasons for the pregnant waddle. I say "at least" because I'm sure that there are more that I have not experienced because I'm not quite big enough yet. So, here are the ones that I've experienced so far:

1) "I have to pee waddle" - It's no surprise that pregnant women have to pee every five seconds, what with a little person exerting constant pressure on our bladder. Sometimes that feeling becomes so uncomfortable that we try to move our midsection as little as possible. Thus, the "I have to pee waddle."

2) "My stomach muscles are shredded waddle" - As our stomachs expand, there are abdominal muscles in there that are paying a terrible price. I find that those muscles tend to hurt from time to time as Hailey has her little growth spurts. This makes it very uncomfortable for me to use them for anything (including walking).

3) "Back pain waddle" - This waddle has an entirely different cause, but the same overall effect. If you've ever been pregnant and experienced a painful or stiff back, you know exactly what this one is about!

If you have any others, feel free to post them in a comment and I'll add them to my second installment.


ann said...

I personally feel that the waddle, especially later in your pregnancy when you're really huge, is the "I'm trying to keep my balance" waddle. With all that extra weight, you need to try to balance it properly, while resisting the gravitational pull to fall forward. Or, perhaps it's the "this stomach is so large, I can't bring my legs together" waddle. Isn't it a bummer that no one tells you this stuff before you get pregnant. What woman in their right mind would ever go through all this? Thus, replenishing the population is the reason for the secrecy. Enjoy! Once you have the baby, you loose the waddle and replace it with the sway. More on that later...

Anonymous said...

I remember doing the waddle because it was so difficult to walk with that football shaped stomach I had. I carried my girls very low. You've got a ways to go before you need to worry about the waddle... and when you get there, you'll be at a point where you won't care!
We'll all be watching though ;-)

Anonymous said...

Technically these are all good reasons for the waddle. However, the waddle is a necessary evil to get your body in shape for continual motion. You experience the waddle which creates the motion which your little friend will expect constantly. There will no longer be any standing still when Hailey arrives for the next year at least. So enjoy the waddle soon you'll be carrying all that poundage and you complete your daily tasks.

Love Mom