Well, my due date has come and gone, but still no Baby Hailey. We are all just waiting around eagerly anticipating her arrival. I feel like I've tied up every loose end that I had left so there is nothing to do but wait. Of course, we are trying to watch movies and take walks and eat lots of ice cream. We'll do just about anything to distract from the fact that there is no baby yet (even continue going to work). I had another midwife appointment today, and she's in the ready position. I guess just not ready enough.
In the meantime, here is a cute picture of the crib for you to enjoy. My Grandma, Hailey's Great Grandma, made the blanket that's draped on the crib. Hopefully, next time I write I'll have one of those goofy- looking hospital mug shots for you!!!
Hi Alisa and Luke...
We know you're anxious but consider this your first lession in the ultimate rule of parenting...patience.
Love you both..(all 3 of you)
Waiting anxiously to hear in Dallas...Uncle Charlie
The room looks great!!! Can you show us more??? I've got something for Hailey that will look great in there!! Don't have her yet... I'm still working on it!!
Ah yes... be patient... but be carful what you ask for... God has a funny way of granting requests!
Aunt Nancy
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