Monday, December 11, 2006

Lessons in Fatherhood - Part 1


On Saturday, Hailey had the privilege of attending her first wedding ceremony and reception. She was dressed in her finest attire - a beautiful pink floral dress, white tights, and a coat. Luke's boss had given her the outfit, and this was the perfect event to show it off. She looked adorable (as you might imagine). Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures to commemorate the event because we were too busy just trying to get ourselves there on time. We figured that we would take the pictures after the wedding...HA!

Just as the bride and groom were beginning their first dance, Hailey had an explosion - a major explosion. Luckily (for Mommy that is), she was sitting on Daddy's lap. His leg was covered in yuck in a matter of seconds. It was a great example of Mommy/Daddy teamwork. Mommy held poopie baby while Daddy wiped poopie off of his pant leg. I have to say, those Dockers pants are amazing. I know I sound like a Dockers commercial, but a few wipes with a napkin and you couldn't tell at all. It was amazing! Of course, Hailey didn't fair so well. Being the ultra-prepared Mommy that I am, I had brought an extra outfit
, and we made a quick change in the bathroom. The dress survived the ordeal after a good bit of scrubbing and two types of stain remover. The adventures in poopiedom never cease.


Alisa Hamilton said...

I just realized that my last two blog entries have to do with Hailey poop. Is anyone else getting sick of hearing about poopie?

ann said...

There's nothing more exciting than hearing about this child's every bowel movement! I bet you never pictured yourself wiping someone else's butt! When you get old, you'll start talking about your own BM's. It's all part of the great circle of life!

Not to be a nag, but please get that husband of yours on photo detail asap. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Anyone with children have a story or two about 'poopie' explosions! It's cute to hear them happening to someone else since my stories were so long ago...

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I spelled your name wrong! Alisa! At least all the correct letters are there!

Anonymous said...

Who knew that poop could be the subject of so many funny stories! Keep them coming! But just a warning---when she's about 13 years old, she'll be mortified that your shared her many memorable bowel movements with the world. Of course, when she becomes a mom, she'll understand and forgive you. We can't wait to see all of you---should we wear protective clothing?!

Aunt Melanie