Monday, May 21, 2007

Hailey - The Genius

Let me just take a minute to child is a genius. Ok, maybe she's not Einstein yet, but she has quite a vocabulary for a nine and a half month old. Here is a complete list of her formidable vocabulary:

Baba - that's bottle, duh
Bubbles - when we're outside blowing bubbles, obviously
Mama - only when she's mad, not sure why!
Dada - all the time, particularly when she's happy
Book - yes, she really says it
Uh oh - when she drops something on the floor and wants you to pick it up - usually uttered four thousand times during dinner
Bye Bye - includes a wave with her hand facing herself instead of outwards

We are still working on kitty cat, baby, nana, papa, etc. I'll let you know. I posted some new pictures on Flickr


Auntie Ann said...

She's obviously gifted! But I knew that when she was ten days old and listening so intently as I suggested she run for president someday.

Can we work on saying Auntie Ann, please?

peter said...

I just want to say that, quite obviously, I am to blame for "uh-oh" following anything dropped. I could get her to say it every time. So blame that one on me (but it's cute as hell!). As for the backwards hand wave...that's an Italian thing! My father used to tell me how they would wave with the palm of their hand facing them, opening and closing their fingers. Watch an Italian move might be able to catch a variation of it. Clearly, the child is ahead of the curve.
