Living with an early toddler is like... well, I don't know what it's like exactly! All I know is that everyday I learn something about Hailey, and Hailey learns something about the world around her. So, I find myself trying to teach her the name of everything. Today, I tried all day to teach her to point at her nose when I said "nose" - a very useful skill. Unfortunately, she just wouldn't catch on. Then, while I was cooking our Father's Day dinner Luke says, "Look, I taught Hailey where her nose is!" Since it was Father's Day, I let him revel in his great teaching skills for about 3 seconds (at least 2 seconds longer than usual) before I told him that I'd already been teaching that to her all day. Geez!
I also find myself saying things like "Since when do we hate to get in our car seat" and "Since when do we roll over onto our belly every time I try to change your diaper." It's like she's constantly trying to exert her will over mine. Perhaps she hasn't realized that I'm the stubbornest person in the whole world (so is her Daddy by the way). There will be an epic test of wills from here on out. If you were going to place bets, who do you think is going to win???
As for the safety stuff and the disciple issues, I would bet on you guys. You've got motivation and perseverance in these areas, but as for the funny little day to day stuff, I'm sorry but my money is on Hailey. Its simple mathematics, your stubbornness + Luke's stubbornness = Hailey's stubbornness. She has youthful energy, and that adorable smile in her arsenal. Plus kids don't get bored with repetition as easily as we do. For example, my son has been known to repeat the word "ball" up to 30 times in a two minute period until one of us finally breaks and finds him a ball. Its a parental torture technique that they learn somewhere around the one year mark.
Ummm...if I were to venture a guess (and based on my own bias toward demanding little girls) I would say that daddy would crack first. On the other hand, mommies are known to get worn down quicker, so maybe it'll be mommy. ALl I know is: it won't be easy, but enjoy it anyway!
Hailey...stubborn... Ha! All I can say is... just you wait!! The true test of stubborn rules in the teen year!
With much love,
Aunt Nancy
Knowing how much teen girls love their mothers (wink wink), by the teen years Alisa has already stated that Hailey will be mine to raise alone ;)
It's a fine line between letting her assert her independance and asserting your authority. May the force be with you, my friend!
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