Sunday, September 23, 2007

What Will Hailey Be?

Hailey is very clearly becoming her own person. She has her own ideas of what she wants to do, where she wants to go, and how she wants to get there. In honor of her newly found independence, I thought that I would take a few minutes to share with you some thoughts on what Hailey might be when she grows up based on what she loves right now. Here's what I've come up with so far:

The child loves shoes - loves putting them on, loves taking them off, loves walking around in them. So, option #1 is a shoe designer.

Based on her love of books and reading, I would say that it's highly likely that she could be a writer or perhaps one of those people that just continues to go to school forever. Wait, wasn't that what I was going to be before I met Luke?
Option #3 (one of my favorites) is the owner of a spa, complete with different types of baths and multiple facial treatments to keep her mother looking young.

Finally, as a worst case scenario, she might be one of those people that cleans out the port-a-potties. Sorry, babe, but that is your potty seat on your head.

Just FYI, we're not trying to potty train her yet, but she picked out this potty seat at the store so we decided to let her get used to sitting on it. It's immediately become one of her favorite "toys." Enjoy the rest of our picture set on the Flickr account.


peter said...

Perhaps you'll both be in school together! What a concept.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the new pictures. I can see that this adorable child is finally getting some curls!


ann said...

Love the curls!!!

She is even losing that "baby" look. I can't believe how fast she is growing up and all this talk about what she will be doesn't help!

Here's my advice for Miss Hailey's future endeavors: Find something you love to do and someone you love to share it with.

As I told her when she was days old: "You can be anything you want to be, aime high!"

Anonymous said...

Actually, the potty kind of looks like a white top hat in the picture. Maybe she is going to dance on Broadway when she grows up but she's just improvising with the props until she gets her big break!

Sarah Willits said...

Only the coolest people are into the Spa Life!!! Go Hailey :)