Hailey’s Great Aunt Ann was kind enough to send us some of those new little markers that they are advertising for toddlers. As soon as they arrived, Luke opened them and handed them over to our little monster. Within seconds, she was enjoying the thrill of coloring on everything other than the paper that we supplied for her. Yes, her hands, her face, her high chair tray, Mommy’s clothes, nothing is off limits for a toddler with a marker. That is why I think that Mattel, Fisher Price, and all of the other toy manufacturers out there have some sadistic plot to create a generation of crazy parents. Hello, toy company executives, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that markers and toddlers are probably not a good mix. We’ll stick with the washable crayons, thank you very much! Here is the aftermath of the marker debacle. Needless to say, Hailey had a wonderful time with them, and the ink was easily washable. Still, I think that we may wait until she’s closer to 18 months (the recommended age) to try them again since this adventure ended with marker in her mouth!
PS: More pictures available on Flickr.
Thank you, Auntie Ann! With your help we were treated to more pictures! Good plan!
Grandpa Pete
First of all, you should want to nuture the creativity of your child. Secondly, even though the recommended age is 18 months, we all know that Hailey is gifted and advanced for her age. Finally, misery loves company. For Christmas I can't decide beween a drum set or a horn.
Did you try the paints yet?
Love ya! -Ann
PS - The Play-Doh set is in the mail!
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