Hailey is a mature 1 year old now, so you might think that she is getting very sophisticated in her taste for expensive, complicated toys. Nope, not at all. Hailey’s favorite toy is an empty bottle with a screw on top. Could be a 20oz Coke bottle, could be a small shampoo bottle, doesn’t really matter. If it has a lid, she wants to play with it. I can’t tell you the number of times that we handed her an empty Coke bottle in Italy and bought ourselves many more minutes of grown up time in a museum, during a tour, etc.
Here are a few pictures of her playing with an empty bottle this morning. She wouldn’t give it up, so we made it all the way to daycare before I could pry it out of her hands. That’s why I am making a call for any strangely sized or shaped plastic bottles with tops that you might have lying around your house. If you have time, please rinse them out and send them to us. I’m going to wrap them in a box and give them to her for Christmas. Seems like an appropriate gift.
Other things that Hailey enjoys: musical instruments (triangles, tambourines, maracas, cymbals…no drum sets, please), books (the cardboard kind are the best), anything she can push or pull around, winter PJs (18 months), pants or long sleeve onsies (18 months), etc. Just remember that she doesn’t need much; she’s happy with Tupperware and wooden spoons. There are other kids out there that need much more. So, if you feel like you want to buy lots of stuff, then please consider sponsoring a child through Salvation Army, the YW, etc. That's what we are doing this year. Or, you could give to Hailey's college fund.
1 comment:
One of our traditions while Molly was growing up was going out shopping together for clothes and toys for an underprivileged child. We taught Molly that Santa only gave her one gift (okay, so there was still too much under the tree from Mommy & Daddy, but...)because he had to take care of all of the children, the same reason we always shopped for a child we didn't know: "People have to take care of each other in this world." It was a great life-lesson and she talks about it still.
The Christmas list for Hailey was a great idea. Thanks!
aunt joan
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