Wednesday, December 12, 2007

School Update

Hailey is receiving rave reviews from her teacher, parents are stopping me in the halls to tell me how sweet she is, and she is eating and sleeping like a champ throughout the day. And yet, we have screaming and crying when I drop her off. The good news is that I can hear her stop crying by the time I reach the exterior doors now. It’s a step in the right direction. All in all, things are going about as I expected for the second week. Well, with one exception. Let me take a moment to tell you about Monday morning.

On Monday, all was fairly right with the world except that Luke was driving in separately (we normally carpool). So, I went to drop Hailey off by myself. No big deal except as I’m getting her out of the car, I inadvertently closed my thumb in the front door. Now, we’re not talking the tip of my thumb, like a normal person, but the area right below the knuckle. I’ve never done that before. Have you? I was so surprised that the door actually latched that I tried to pull my thumb out several times before it dawned on me to reach around and pull the handle. It must of have been really funny to watch. Anyway, the thumb is totally recovered now, but the whole scene was just ridiculous. There I was juggling a toddler and all of her crap in one hand and trying to open doors with a swollen, blue thumb in the other all the while trying not to lose it when Hailey started her screaming/crying routine. It was a bad scene, but I hope imagining how silly it looked gives you a chuckle. I’ll definitely be laughing about it for a long long time.

1 comment:

ann said...

It's amazing the things we do for our kids, when sometimes all we want to do is cry with them.

Funny story: A few years ago, Joey had a hockey game at some un-Godly hour like 6am. As he's getting ready, I cut a bagel so he can eat on the way. The knife slipped, and I cut my finger. Even though I probably needed stitches, I wrapped up my bleeding finger, put it in a bag of ice, to stop the pain and slow the bleeding and got him to the game on time! It worked out well because his team won, he scored a hat trick, and I was able to throw my hat on the ice with my non-bleeding hand!