Yesterday, Hailey was diagnosed with Roseola which is a fairly common viral infection characterized by a high fever for a day followed by a rash that lasts a few days. Thus, we were home all day together where she learned how to put on her own clothes (kinda…see picture).
In the evening we decided to take a ride up to a local shopping plaza where we went to Barnes and Noble. While Mommy was looking for coloring books, Hailey had a little altercation with an older boy who proceeded to rip book after book out of her hands while his father looked on and did nothing. Luke managed this situation quite well, but it still resulted in Hailey laying face down on the floor screaming bloody murder. Ok, clearly it’s past her bedtime at this point. Meltdown #1.
This morning she woke up as usual in a good mood, but things quickly soured when I put her in her seat for breakfast. For no reason at all, she just started scrying (that’s a combination of screaming and crying. You know it well if you’ve had a toddler). The scrying just went on and on all morning. She wouldn’t eat, didn’t want to get dressed, didn’t want to get in the car…you get the picture. It was rough. I pretty much let her carry on, but Daddy was the weak one this time (usually those roles are reversed). It was just so clear that she was in high manipulation mode. Either manipulation or she’s sick with something else now, but I can’t stand the thought of that possibility.
Anyway, I really just wanted to share this funny picture with you. Notice the shorts on the head and the two legs through one leg hole of the other shorts. Hysterical. Almost makes up for the multiple breakdown morning...ALMOST!
If it was always wonderful, you would think something was wrong. Haven't we all had those days when we can't get our head through our pantlegs? I had one this morning. Trying to get ready for work while Joe's searching for his underwear...of course, it's in my back pocket, right? Melissa's complaining because she doesn't have to go to school today and we're making way too much noise. They're going to a concert tonight at Darien Lake. Their dad bought the tickets, but I get to leave work early and drive them there. The milk expired on 6/12 and Joe refused to drink it, so I had to run to the store, get milk, took out $200.00 from the bank! Here it is 9am, I'm finally at work, pissed off because life's not fair and I now have $5.00 in my purse. See....it can always be worse!Just reading this story brings back those memories...not good ones. Unlike childbirth, when it's over you will always remember the pain!
As usual, you are all sunshine and roses in the morning!
Walk a mile in my shoes, little girl, and then we'll talk!
Umm, how did Luke handle the mean little boy situation? I really hope it involved some very snarky comments to the lump of a father!
I tried the substitution method and to get her away from the situation .. the dad had clearly checked out 'cause later the boy was climbing on the counter and the attendant asked the dad to get him down and his response was "he's ok .. he does this all the time" .. total disrespect to others. From the famous words of Chris Songer .. "i wanted to punch him in the face"
Ah-h-h, the unfettered freedom and utter indulgence of grandmother-hood! It truly broke my heart to read about (and see) the outcome of her tiny, whole-person meltdown.
I admit - I am resolutely unapologetic about being a softy where my brilliant and (possibly) manipulative granddaughter is concerned.
She probably just needed several hours of rocking, singing, cuddling, followed by an uplifting viewing of "The Incredibles". After a refreshing nap, a bit of ice cream would have prepared her for a session bubble-blowing, body-painting and other scientifically proven and grandma-tested recuperative therapies, don't you think?
I think I speak for your entire family and circle of friends when I say: "It's time for another baby, please!"
Unless Great Auntie Ann wants to subsidize daycare for our second little one, you better hold your horses!
Move back to Buffalo and you'll have a plethora of child-care providers!
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