Friday, July 11, 2008

Crossing Over

Let me start by saying that I am not a gadget person. I am not an electronics person. Technology for me is just something that is there and hopefully works. When it doesn't work, then it's highly frustrating, and I pretty much swear it off (at least until Luke fixes it). My husband, on the other hand, lives for technology. It's what he does for a living for crying out loud!

This brings me to my conversion - "crossing over to the dark side" I like to call it. It all started with my first iPhone. I didn't even want it, but Luke insisted. I'm sure that he had some rationale. I can't remember what it was. It doesn't matter now because I loved that damn phone the minute I got it. I didn't do anything with it other than take pictures, text, and use the phone. I don't even think I had music or videos on it (well none that I put on there).

You may realize that today the new iPhones came out. I really could not have cared less, but for some reason we had to have them. Here's where the dark side comes in. Where do I find myself at 7:45am this morning (Luke got there at 6:05am)? You guessed it...waiting out in front of an AT&T store with all of the serious geeks. The morning came complete with a near riot when someone tried to cut the front of the line, announcements of inventory shortages every half hour, and the entire system crashing before we could activate anything. In the end, we could only purchase a phone for me (because I got the smaller version), while Luke had to order his. Haha! Sorry...I had to throw that in because how ironic is it that I'm the only one in the family with the new toy now?

Anyway, you might wonder how I have time to write this what with my new gadget and all. Here's why...because I haven't touched it since "I" got it. Oh wait. Hold the phone (literally)...I have it! I have it in my hand! My husband has turned it over. Just kidding. He just wanted me to see something. He took it back. Apparently, I need some apps...whatever those are.

Happy iPhone Day!


peter said...

Oh, dear god, how WILL you survive without your entire complement of apps? I mean what is the point without them?? Let's face it, one of the reasons you love Luke is that he drags you along, kicking and screaming, into the world of technology in which you would otherwise be content still playing "Oregon Trail." And he desperately needs you to force him to rationalize, justify, and find the money for, every new toy. Deep down, you're like your father...a total geek at heart. Unfortunately, your father is just too cheap to jump on the technology bandwagon every time a new gadget is available because he learned long ago that the technology will improve...and the price will go down. But let's never forget that he was the first one in Buffalo to own (1200 dollars!)a VHS VCR when tapes for the damn things cost 32.95...ON SALE! And he was the first teacher in his school to have a computer, and the only one to use a spreadsheet for grades (Apple IIC, remember). So, believe me, you come by it honestly. HAve fun...if you can get it away from Luke.


Luke said...

Ok, i'd like to clear a few things up ...

We didn't buy the original iPhones last year the day they went on sale (i heavily resisted the price, and we didn't want to switch to at&t at the time). We waited till the price drop and bought the cheaper ones, hacked them and Alisa enjoyed being able to record audio of Hailey anywhere and many other activities like Yahtzee!!

Now for the real kicker ...

We purchased those phones for $299ea ($600 total) and I just sold them on ebay last night for $730 total (because they are hackable and in high demand) ... so i just made a 21.5% return on our investment in less than a year (better than any savings account, or most other investments) .. cool, right!?! :)

Yesterday we purchased our new and improved phones for a grand total of $500 ... and we now own to brand new, faster, larger hard drive, beautiful works of art that happen to be very functional in our daily lives!!! (that i will sell again for the next upgrade in a year, and maybe this time mommy will camp out with me the night before .. hehe) ... and pocketed 100 more $$ .. see I am a responsible gadget freak.

FYI, we took a few pictures of Hailey last night and the camera works much better on the new phones, so mommy should be able to supply a bountiful amount of Hailey visual resources for the whole lot of you.

darth uberdork

PS - so this also means we are now on AT&T network (as many of you are) so mobile-to-mobile calling on the network is free for us and you can call and talk to Hailey any time!

PSS - I get great discounts with AT&T because of Microsoft, like our rate plans (15%), some phones(10%-30%) and all accessories (50% off) .. so if you've been eyeing anything, before you buy, please let us know.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

ann said...

Stay away from the dark side!