Two weekends ago Hailey received a red and a blue balloon at a birthday party that we attended. She loves balloons so she had a good time with them until they ran out of air. They proceeded to sit on the floor of my garage, half-deflated. On Tuesday (garbage day), I threw them into the big trash can without deflating them because, let’s face it, I’m lazy. As we are getting into the car to go to school, the trash man arrived and Hailey saw him take the balloons out of the trash can and put them in the truck. You would have thought that he had thrown her blankie in that truck. She was completely traumatized. For 20 minutes on the way into school, we had to listen to “Where my balloons go?” “Why balloons in truck?” “Why man take balloons?” “I want balloons.” Honestly, it was non-stop. There was no subject that could supersede the ever important balloon conversation. There was no song that could be sung to make the balloons go away. I was, at that moment, the worst Mommy in the world.
However, I would like to say that I redeemed myself in a big big way. That afternoon I stopped by this little shop in my building on my way out of work. They hang balloons outside of their door every day. I’ve often seen them deflating their balloons at the end of the day. I went in and asked the lady if I could have the balloons instead of her throwing them away. She was so happy to give them to me. But here’s the kicker…I had to carry those stupid balloons (a red and a blue one) 10 blocks downtown to get to Hailey’s school. What an idiot I must have looked like! Regardless, the balloons were safely delivered to our precious angel who talked about them the whole way home and then proceeded to forget about them after about 10 minutes in the house. Ah the joys of motherhood!
Isn't it bizarre the things they care about. Melissa is like that. I am going through old books for my garage sale. She proceeded to go through the ones I discarded to keep those that had "great sentimental value." Of course, this was most of them. Understand these are books that Hailey would have, not books she read recently.
I remember the balloon craze too. When we would shop at Wegmans, the kids could "earn" a balloon at the end of the trip if they were good. (The balloons were given free at Wegmans). A few times, they got away from the kids in the parking was not at all pleasant.
What a grumpy face on that precious little girl. Clearly, her mean mother is doing a good job. If your child isn't mad once or twice a day, you just aren't doing it right.
This won't be the last time you did something your child didn't like... or an action that you regretted later. It's all part of being a parent... No rule book. There's more to come... but blogging them keeps count. I have no record of mine.
And you didn't look like an idiot carrying those balloons ten blocks. Everyone was either guessing it was your birthday or else they were guessing what a great mom you were! Just wish I could have seen Hailey's face when she saw the balloons!!
I noticed the "Grumpelstiltskin" face also. What's up with that? She supposed to be thrilled!
Clearly, it must be because she's unhappy with her hair. Where did it go? I see an "old lady halo" but no real hair. Where are her unfettered, adorable, wild crazy- curls? That's one of my favorite Hailey Hallmarks!
Much love,
Your grandparents just upgraded from dial up internet and I've taught them how to go to and read this can you please give us all something new to read and look at? Those pics show her attitude, which isn't her best feature.
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