Monday, December 29, 2008

Mystery Fever Theater 3000 Update

Well, we went to the doctor. As I suspected, there are no easy answers. She doesn't have an ear infection. I'm still holding out hope that it could be a urinary tract infection. I have to drop off a urine sample tomorrow morning.

She was quite sweet and pathetic tonight. Not that I enjoy her being sick, but she does like to cuddle. We actually read 8 chapters of The Little Mermaid. What a treat. Unfortunately, she was suffering from a 104 degree fever at the time. Don't worry. The Tylenol brought it down eventually.

1 comment:

peter said...

You don't really need to hear this, but this whole fever business makes me very nervous. I don't remember what it was like to have a young child (you) who has mystery illnesses, but from a grandpa's point of view, it's unnerving. Please keep all of us posted on our baby's (yes she belong to all of us) progress. We look forward, daily, to your updates.

Grandpa Pete/Dad