Monday, February 23, 2009

Best Hailey Quote from the Weekend...

“I’m sad because you’re making me crazy.”

Oh, child, it's only just the beginning. I will be making you crazy for many many years to come. HAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh).


Anonymous said...

You've gotta admire her commitment though. I mean other kids might say it, but few would actually follow it up with going upstairs for some alone/cool down time. All I have to say is, you are in for it my friend!! That girl is stubborn, hilarious, brilliant and adorable...which is a deadly combination by anyone's estimation!

peter said...

I'm sorry, but that quote, accompanied by the picture, just made me laugh out loud! Let the mother/daughter games begin!

Dad/Grandpa Pete

Anonymous said...

Just you wait... the teenage years are around the corner...

I hope you're still blogging during those times!

HAHAHAHA (evil laugh)