Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that I was trying to take a binky away from Hailey? Now, I'm desperately trying to get Sophia to accept a binky as a legitimate substitute for me. This kid wants to eat non-stop. Well, not necessarily eat, but at least suck on something. Oh and that something HAS to be me. Anything else is out of the question. I believe they call her a "grazer." It makes for a very tired Mommy Moo Cow. Here's the face that I get when I don't give it up quickly enough. I swear, this child is going to suck the life out of me. Just take the binky instead, just this once. Mooooo!
Well, Aliser, I had to give Emmaline one of the green Soothie pacifiers, swaddle her, and lay her away from me to get her to take one. Oh, and it was 6 weeks before she would do that!!! Laura also nursed, but she took the pacie better. Good luck.
OK in this picture she looks like her big sis. This is pretty young to be exhibiting 'strong willed child' behavior, but then again the Hamilton girls were bound to be ahead of the curve ;)
Try different binkys. The one that worked for Miss Hailey may not work for Miss Sophia. With Joe, I probably bought at least 10 different varieties before we found that worked.
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