Yesterday was our 5 year wedding anniversary, and by all accounts, it was an incredibly crappy day. I'm not just saying that...Luke would agree (I think). Hailey was sick, we had a horribly disappointing garage sale, he missed watching his cousin play volleyball with the AVP, we were all in crappy moods (mostly me), and it was altogether a disheartening day. However, there was one shining light that made the whole day worthwhile - Sophia's first laugh. It was priceless! Of course, like the bottle, I haven't been able to get her to do it again. We'll be trying though.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hailey's mystery fever is back. I've been doing more research on these fevers of unknown origin and came up with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Adenitis (PFAPA) or Marshall's Syndrome. She's not a textbook case because her episodes occur at intervals greater than 4-6 weeks, but she does exhibit the high fevers with no other symptoms. Of course, no one knows what causes PFAPA. There are a few treatments that have shown promise, but they aren't really worth it for us. Typically kids just grow out of the fevers. It can take years, but at least it's not something more serious. Also, I have no idea if this self diagnosis is correct, but I'll be talking to Hailey's pediatrician about it asap.
Thursday, May 28, 2009

After consulting with our pediatrician, I purchased a new type of bottle and used a new feeding technique (forward facing vs. cradled). Apparently, doctors know what they're talking about because after about a half hour of Mommy's quiet begging, Sophia finally took a bottle. There was no screaming, no carrying on, just a lot of time getting used to the foreign object in her mouth. I happened to have the camera handy, but it wasn't real easy to snap the pick and not disrupt her flow. Now, let's see if I can repeat my success tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Too Fast or Too Slow?
It appears that there is some disconnect between Hailey's brain and her mouth. One is moving faster than the other, but I can't tell if it's the brain or the mouth. However, I know that something is out of whack because of the nonsensical conversations that she has. Here's my favorite quote from this morning:
"Josie's not a bad girl because I need a flower in my hair because I want to hold it."
What?!?!?! How did she connect Josie with a flower in her hair? What sentences went in between those? I have to capture more of these sentences because they are priceless!
"Josie's not a bad girl because I need a flower in my hair because I want to hold it."
What?!?!?! How did she connect Josie with a flower in her hair? What sentences went in between those? I have to capture more of these sentences because they are priceless!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bippety Bronzity Boo
Those are the words that my Fairy Tan Mother will have to say as she magically fixes the ridiculous looking orange streaks I have on my legs from misapplying self tanner. Well, I didn't misapply. The can had poor instructions. I didn't know you were supposed to rub it in!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Buffalo or Bust
Hailey, Sophia, and I took a trip to Buffalo all by ourselves. It was a little tricky to navigate two children, a stroller, a diaper bag, and a suitcase, but we managed with a little help from valet parking. Of course, the trip was not without it's moments of comedy:
Hailey noticing a pigeon 20 yards away on the tarmac: "Look, Mommy, a chicken."
Hailey during landing: "My ears are stuck, Mommy. I need your ears."
Pilot: "We are going to be waiting here for a few minutes because there is a plane currently at our gate. Please do not get out of your seat until I turn off the fasten seat belt sign."
Sophia 3 seconds later: Giant poopie explosion noise.
Hailey visiting the beach on Lake Erie: "Look, the ocean!"
Hailey sitting in Grandpa's convertible Miata in the garage (top down of course): "I'm driving to Vegas, Mama. I need the keys."
Hailey carrying on a conversation with herself in the backseat: "I'm Cinderella. No, I'm not Cinderella because I'm Sleeping Beauty because I'm not Tinker Bell. No, I'm Tinker Bell, but I live in Pixie Hollow."
Hailey making random commentary in the backseat: "Oh, Jesus."
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
We Are on to Something

Check this out!!! Sophia has decided to take a pacifier. She's taken in on multiple occasions over the past two days. I just gave her one and put her in her crib to sleep. It's amazing. I don't force it on her when she doesn't want it, but there are times when she clearly wants to suck on something to go to sleep. Those are the times when I sneak it in, and she actually likes it. I'm so glad she caught on to the benefits of the pacifier just in time for her first plane ride tomorrow. We're going to Buffalo...wish us luck!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hand Cheese
I think that most people are familiar with the concept of toe cheese. You know that gross fuzz that sticks in between your toes? Well, Sophia has a slightly different version which occurs in her hands. Because she does not take a binky, she often tries to suck on her hands. Then, her hands get covered in fuzz which balls up into little stinky hand cheese deposits. It's really quite nasty. You often forget about these little details when you haven't been around babies for a while. That's why I though I would share it with you. Aren't you glad you know?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Lifesaver Incident

Friday, May 15, 2009
Picnic Dinner
Since I was feeling like such a bad Mommy yesterday, I decided to redeem myself by making a picnic dinner for the family on our front lawn (we don't have a backyard). Hailey decided that she wanted to sit in Sophia's chair. Then, she wanted to sit in Sophia's chair with Sophia. Luke captured the whole thing from our upper porch. The colors in the foreground are our flower baskets. There are more on Flickr.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Could You Just Stop Needing Me So Much?
Luke tried unsuccessfully to give Sophia a bottle again last night. If I hadn't seen her shenanigans for myself, I would have never believed that there was a child who would not take a bottle. Yet, there she was flailing about, crying hysterically, and choking on my hard-pumped milk. It's a crazy scene. We finally gave up, and I breastfed her. You might say that she won. I like to think that we compromised - she got to keep her boob and I got to keep my eardrums. Fair enough.
Anyway, I think that her lack of bottle cooperation is having a serious psychological effect on me. At first it was funny, but as the end of my leave creeps closer, it's becoming much more of a dire situation. It seems that after these bottle incidents I immediately become very depressed, and I start to panic about going back to work. I know that it's a terrible thing to say, but I feel very trapped. I know that I should enjoy these moments with her because she will be babbling and running around like Hailey in no time. Yet, I just feel depressed and then I feel terrible about feeling depressed. Today was so bad that I actually called and extended my maternity leave by one week. Not that one week will make a difference, but I might as well take what I can get even if I don't get paid.
Tonight we will try a new type of bottle. Maybe that will make a difference, probably not. I'd welcome any words of encouragement.
Anyway, I think that her lack of bottle cooperation is having a serious psychological effect on me. At first it was funny, but as the end of my leave creeps closer, it's becoming much more of a dire situation. It seems that after these bottle incidents I immediately become very depressed, and I start to panic about going back to work. I know that it's a terrible thing to say, but I feel very trapped. I know that I should enjoy these moments with her because she will be babbling and running around like Hailey in no time. Yet, I just feel depressed and then I feel terrible about feeling depressed. Today was so bad that I actually called and extended my maternity leave by one week. Not that one week will make a difference, but I might as well take what I can get even if I don't get paid.
Tonight we will try a new type of bottle. Maybe that will make a difference, probably not. I'd welcome any words of encouragement.
Morning Rituals

Every morning Hailey wakes up chattering non-stop as if she must spew out all of the words she'd saved up while sleeping in the shortest amount of time possible. The best morning conversations are the ones where she tells you all about her dreams. The trick is that she never prefaces the dream stories with the phrase "last night I dreamed that..." Nope. She just starts talking as if the whole thing really happened. Sometimes she'll tell a story about a friend coming to visit or something that happened (or could have happened at school). It's really hard to decipher fact from fiction in the morning.
What I always know is fact is that Hailey must put on her "slippers" every morning. When I say slippers, you probably pictured pink fuzzy slippers (she has those too), but what she actually means are her black patent leather shoes that she imagines are Cinderella's glass slippers (maybe because they are shiny???). The shoes are an integral part of the morning routine which, when combined with the nightgown that she wore to bed, creates a magical dance outfit. It's a pretty strange routine, but it is what it is.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Funny Is As Funny Does
There are so many parts of parenting that are not fun - disciplining your children, cleaning up bodily fluids, changing diapers, folding mountains of laundry, etc. I think that one of the things that keeps Luke and I sane is just our sense of humor. No matter what, we always try to laugh at even the worst parenting situations. Sometimes we have to hold back our laughter until after the disciplining is done, but it's always there just under the surface. Our kids are really our biggest source of amusement. That's why this blog is so easy to write. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything funny right now so check back tomorrow. I'm sure that one of them will come up with something.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Relay for Life
Our Relay for Life event supporting the American Cancer Society is taking place this Friday. It's an event that we take part in every year, not just because I work there, but also because we envision a cancer-free world for our children. You may have seen ACS's new commercials where we celebrate less cancer and more birthdays. What many people don't realize is that the organization actually helps to make that a reality on four fronts - helping people get well, stay well, find cures, and fight back. If you want to know more or to make a donation to my team, please click here.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
The Rules of Sophia
Sophia is certainly a different animal than her sister. She came with her own set of rules and regulations, which she makes up on a daily basis. I thought that I would capture just a few for your amusement (or in case you are ever called upon to babysit...I'm looking at you grandparents!)
1. I will not take a binky. Does not matter the size or shape. Does not matter how hysterical I am. If it's not skin...I'm not in.
2. I will sleep, but only under the following conditions - in my swing, in a moving stroller (no stopping to rest, people), in a moving car (run red lights if you must), or on another human being. I will under no circumstances sleep in my co-sleeper, in my crib, in something that is not moving, or without another human being within nose-shot.
3. I poop a lot. How comfortable are you with baby poop? Because here's the funny thing...I tend to poop outside of my diaper. That "no leak" policy really just covers the liquid stuff. Poop is another story and you should be prepared for emergency bath session (for both of us).
4. I don't like to be cold. I don't like to be hot either. I like to be the temperature that I like to be. So, figure out what that is and try to just keep it that way indefinitely.
5. Sometimes, I just want to be left alone, and by "alone" I mean in quiet place where you are holding me nonstop for several hours, preferably while staying in constant motion. Were you trying to sit down? Well, I'm awake now so get moving.
6. Most noise doesn't bother me unless that noise is any type of plastic rustling...plastic bags, candy wrappers, plastic wrapping on anything. That noise will wake me from the deepest slumber and send me into hysterics. Consider me a "green" baby who requires a plastic free zone.
Well, those are just my latest and greatest rules. I'm sure I'll come up with some more tomorrow. I like to keep my parents on their toes, you know. Silly parents were thinking that they just about had me figured out...ha!
1. I will not take a binky. Does not matter the size or shape. Does not matter how hysterical I am. If it's not skin...I'm not in.
2. I will sleep, but only under the following conditions - in my swing, in a moving stroller (no stopping to rest, people), in a moving car (run red lights if you must), or on another human being. I will under no circumstances sleep in my co-sleeper, in my crib, in something that is not moving, or without another human being within nose-shot.
3. I poop a lot. How comfortable are you with baby poop? Because here's the funny thing...I tend to poop outside of my diaper. That "no leak" policy really just covers the liquid stuff. Poop is another story and you should be prepared for emergency bath session (for both of us).
4. I don't like to be cold. I don't like to be hot either. I like to be the temperature that I like to be. So, figure out what that is and try to just keep it that way indefinitely.
5. Sometimes, I just want to be left alone, and by "alone" I mean in quiet place where you are holding me nonstop for several hours, preferably while staying in constant motion. Were you trying to sit down? Well, I'm awake now so get moving.
6. Most noise doesn't bother me unless that noise is any type of plastic rustling...plastic bags, candy wrappers, plastic wrapping on anything. That noise will wake me from the deepest slumber and send me into hysterics. Consider me a "green" baby who requires a plastic free zone.
Well, those are just my latest and greatest rules. I'm sure I'll come up with some more tomorrow. I like to keep my parents on their toes, you know. Silly parents were thinking that they just about had me figured out...ha!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Princess in Pants
Dear Evil-Doers at Walt Disney:
Why do all of your princesses wear dresses? It must be exhausting for them to wear dresses all the time and fulfill their many princess duties like being rescued by princes, throwing grand balls, and cavorting with mythical characters such as fairies, godmothers, dragons, etc. I would like to see just one princess who wears pants. This would also help me with a little problem I'm having with my daughter. If I have to hear her say (more like whine), "I can't wear those pants because I have to be a princess" one more time, I'm going to hold you personally responsible for the consequences which may or may not involve my head exploding, clothes flying out my daughter's third floor window, and/or a bonfire fueled by every princess item we have in this house...which is a lot. So, if you could see fit to create just one princess who looks a little more like me and a little less like Barbie, I would be much obliged.
Mother Concerned About the Princessification of our Daughters
Why do all of your princesses wear dresses? It must be exhausting for them to wear dresses all the time and fulfill their many princess duties like being rescued by princes, throwing grand balls, and cavorting with mythical characters such as fairies, godmothers, dragons, etc. I would like to see just one princess who wears pants. This would also help me with a little problem I'm having with my daughter. If I have to hear her say (more like whine), "I can't wear those pants because I have to be a princess" one more time, I'm going to hold you personally responsible for the consequences which may or may not involve my head exploding, clothes flying out my daughter's third floor window, and/or a bonfire fueled by every princess item we have in this house...which is a lot. So, if you could see fit to create just one princess who looks a little more like me and a little less like Barbie, I would be much obliged.
Mother Concerned About the Princessification of our Daughters
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Ode to Coffee
I don't drink coffee. I like coffee, but I don't drink it out of the great fear that I will become addicted. I don't want to need caffeine. Here's the problem...the older I get and the more kids I have, the more I feel like I want, need, and frankly deserve a little caffeine every once in a while. So, the other day I bought some caffeinated soda ...gasp! Now, I can sip a little Cherry Coke Zero when I get sleepy after lunch. What is the world coming to??!?!?!? Yeah, I know that this is silly and I'm an adult so I should join the adult world and be a part of our caffeine nation. I think that I can hold off until I go back to work, but I'm not giving up my mid-afternoon soda.
So, I'm going to take a vote. Should I start drinking coffee every morning? (keep in mind that I'm not a morning person so this may ultimately help my vote for Luke although he's aloud to comment)
So, I'm going to take a vote. Should I start drinking coffee every morning? (keep in mind that I'm not a morning person so this may ultimately help my vote for Luke although he's aloud to comment)
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Weekend Excitement
[iPhone] New tv on
Luke won a tv playing in a poker tournament at our local Mexican restaurant. He promptly returned the prize 42" tv so that he could upgrade to 50". Here's the 12 seconds update I recorded as he set it up.
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