Every morning Hailey wakes up chattering non-stop as if she must spew out all of the words she'd saved up while sleeping in the shortest amount of time possible. The best morning conversations are the ones where she tells you all about her dreams. The trick is that she never prefaces the dream stories with the phrase "last night I dreamed that..." Nope. She just starts talking as if the whole thing really happened. Sometimes she'll tell a story about a friend coming to visit or something that happened (or could have happened at school). It's really hard to decipher fact from fiction in the morning.
What I always know is fact is that Hailey must put on her "slippers" every morning. When I say slippers, you probably pictured pink fuzzy slippers (she has those too), but what she actually means are her black patent leather shoes that she imagines are Cinderella's glass slippers (maybe because they are shiny???). The shoes are an integral part of the morning routine which, when combined with the nightgown that she wore to bed, creates a magical dance outfit. It's a pretty strange routine, but it is what it is.
And...could we have a picture of this magical outfit??
Dad/Grandpa Pete
Ask and ye shall receive.
Thank you. But seriously...a Bud Lite medallion? What are we teaching this child? Or are we already gearing up for the Titans/Bills?
Dad/Grandpa Pete
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