So, I've accepted his geekiness and love him even more for it. However, he's never asked me to really join his Geek world...until now. And, boy did I jump in with both feet (feet in sneakers, not in elf shoes). How did I jump in? I attended Dragon Con.
What the bleep is Dragon Con, you ask. Well, it's a convention of people who dress up in costumes of various fictional characters and then go to seminars and stuff. Ok, you know what?, I don't really know what in god's name it is. I went to the stupid parade to see a bunch of people dressed up in weirdo costumes, ok? That's all. I'm not a Geek. I might be teetering on the edge of geekdom, but I've got a big toe in the real world still.
I'll admit (only because you can see in the pictures) that I let Hailey dress up in her Tinkerbell costume for the parade. That may or may not have crossed the line from giggling spectator to semi-willing participant, but we didn't march. No, just sat back and gawked. Well, gawked and played Dragon Con bingo. It was a good time, and we've got some seriously hysterical pictures. You can see them on Flickr along with my comments which I tried to make entertaining because otherwise you're just looking at a bunch of strangers dressed up in bizarro costumes and who would want to do that?
omg... you NEED to go to this blog: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/09/sunday-sweets-wow.html
it is one of my favorite blogs, and they are talking about dragon con! my internet worlds collide!
I am sad to say that I actually recognized a great number of the more obscure comic book characters...Green Lantern among them. But somehow they didn't seem as...um...fit as they look in the comic books. Perhaps even a still camera adds ten (or fifty) pounds. It must have been a hilarious, and mildly disturbing, time.
Dad/Grandpa Pete
Okay...so I'm with Sophia here...this whole thing just boils down to Comic-Con without Robert Pattinson....(ho-hum...yawn).
Sophia and I agree that our feet are way more interesting (or disgusting/in need of attention/whatever) than this parade of not-Robert Pattinson-freaks. (see Sophia pix on url)
However I'm sure Hailey - sorry... I mean Tinkerbelle - relished this event, and didn't even notice that Robert Pattinson wasn't there.
Next year....Comic-Con?!!
Glad to see "Tick" made it too. Please don't turn my great-nieces into geeks as well. I beg of you!
Oh my goodness. My boss, the judge, went to this! I had never heard of it before, and then I was informed that it was a VERY big deal. Apparently his wife dresses as Mary Poppins every year. This year he got to meet and have his picture taken with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, which I admit is pretty cool. Nonetheless, major geekfest if I ever heard of one.
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