Monday, January 02, 2006

Indian Summer

It's the 2nd day of January, and it's 70 degree's in Nashville today. Nothing like a little indian summer to really make you crave the spring time. It was nice to get a few outside chores done, but come's January. Later this week it's supposed to "flurry" so I guess I'm not going to complain. However, I should explain that when they predict snow in Nashville, all of the schools close and they run out of milk at the grocery stores. That little tidbit may become important as winter continues. We'll just have to wait and see.

Speaking of winter, there are only 39 days until the winter Olympics. I'm hoping that I can convince my midwife to put me on bed rest for a few weeks so that I can truly enjoy the spectacle. I'll have to ask her during my next appointment (which is only 2 days away!).

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