Monday, February 27, 2006

Naked Baby Theory

I've been thinking about the baby's arrival and baby clothes a lot lately. Maybe it's because we find out the sex (hopefully) on Wednesday, and I'm contemplating the evil conspiracy that declared that all girls must wear pink!

Anyway, when the baby arrives, it will be the middle of summer here. For those of you who have never experienced the joy of a Tennessee August, let me tell you that it is HOT! It's the kind of heat that has you running from your air conditioned car into the air conditioned grocery store so that you don't wind up with pit stains from the heat and humidity outside. Now, I'm typically a very cold person, so I can tolerate the heat for longer periods than the average person, but it's not particularly pleasant. That's why I think that the baby will probably spend a lot of it's first few weeks on earth mostly naked (with a diaper, of course). I know that air conditioning is a problem with a naked baby, but I don't like to keep the house too cold. So, I'm thinking that I don't need a lot of newborn clothes because BH will probably grow out of them before it's cool enough to wear them. I've already invested in some newborn onsies, and those will probably be the bulk of my newborn wardrobe. I don't really know if this theory is correct or not. I guess I better ask some people who have had babies in the heat of the summer. In the meantime, it's just something to think about when you get lured into the baby section at Target, as I find I frequently do.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure my own mother didn't mean to say that I was not the cutest baby ever! Did she? :)

Anonymous said...

I have already begun the buying the larger sizes because I've found them on sale of course and I don't want to give up my title of the best bargain hunter. I have to admit your are coming close Alisa. I agree BH will be the cutest baby ever because whenever BH gets cranky we can hand him/her back to her lovely mother and father how much cuter can you get. Molly and Alisa were both the cutest babies ever unfortunatley we were stuck with them when they were cranky and spitting up. I'm really looking forward to this Grandma thing it has so many advantages....
Love Mom