7:45am - Dropped Hailey off. No crying for either of us. She was sleeping soundly, but woke up before I left. Rosie (that's the daycare owner) played with her for a few minutes before I left. It was a little chaotic with all of the kids coming and the parents going, but each kid was greeted with a hug before they start playing. Very warm environment for sure.
10:40am. Just called daycare, and Hailey was screaming. Trying to think positive thoughts as I race over there to feed her. Most positive thought I can think of: She should sleep well tonight!
11:30am - Went to daycare and fed Hailey. She wasn't screaming any more by the time I got there. Actually, Rosie said that she played in the morning with all of the little boys (there are mostly boys at daycare). She loved playing with the boys and with any toy that would light up. So, I fed her and we played for half an hour before I went back to work.
12:45pm - Back at work now. Wolfed down a sandwich on my way back. Hailey was in a good mood when I left daycare. Hopefully, she'll have a good rest of her day.
3:15pm - Daycare called and Hailey is hysterical. Ok, that didn't really happen, but that's my fear every time the phone rings!
4:30pm - Counting the minutes until I can pick her up. Won't be long now!
5:15pm - Hailey just had her first poopie blowout of the day...just one?!?!? I guess she decided to go easy on them.
5:40pm - Back at home again safe and sound. She seems happy, but very very tired. Overall, a positive day of making new friends.
I can feel your pain and nervousness. I think it's harder on mom than on baby. You're doing a great job!
Aw...Breaks my heart... I felt like that with Amy when she was 2 years old and I signed her up for morning playgroup twice a week! I went home and cried. After calling, the playgroup leaders told me to watch thru the window and I saw she liked it... And to think I was the one to cry! It is harder on the moms!! You'll get through it...
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