Well, we tried a little rice cereal for the second time this week. She was pretty welcoming of the insert spoon into mouth process. I even think a little cereal may have actually made it to her belly. Still, most of it ended up on her chin or the table. The funniest part was watching her suck the edge of the table whenever we brought the spoon down too low. We got some video of it, but didn't think of taking a picture. I'll have to get one of that next time. It was a good second attempt. Definitely laugh out loud funny, even funnier when she looks at you laughing with that "what'd I do?" look. Classic.
Looks like she liked the taste of her hand in one picture... Ahh.. baby progress... she's classic and a keeper! So darn cute!
I agree with Joan - this would make an excellent book...you could follow each chapter with practical advise from an expert, such as a pediatrican....I think you should do it. The book on pregnancy is already 1/2 written.
PS - That baby is gorgeous and belongs on a Gerber bottle!
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