Thursday, February 01, 2007


Hailey has finally started "sleeping through the night," which really means that she will sleep for more than 3 consecutive hours. Two nights ago she slept from 7pm-3am and last night she slept from 8pm-2am. I'm not going to get too excited because it seems like it's always one step forward, two steps back, but I think that the baby food is really helping. Last night she ate a whole jar of squash and then a half a jar of carrots. I think that she is starting to understand that the food will fill her up just like milk will. Now, she gets excited to eat when I pull out the jars just like she does when she sees a bottle. It's amazing how fast they can connect the dots.

Anyone want to take bets on whether or not just mentioning this new development has jinxed my chances of her sleeping even longer tonight????


Anonymous said...


That's great. Laura is in the same boat. Some nights she'll make it 5 to 6 hours, and then other nights it seems like we're doing the newborn thing all over again. I try not to get too excited whenever I get 4 hours of sleep b/c I know the next night I'm liable to be up all night long with one child or the other. Emmaline still wakes up asking for something to drink!!! I agree, though, each day holds something fun and new, so I don't begrudge the loss of zzz's. I just don't know how you function and make it at work. I admire your ability to multitask -- you seem to be taking all the right steps. ;)

ann said...

Ok - here's my theory on sleeping through the night: You need to train them. Melissa was sleeping through the night by 5 months, Joe by 3. When Hailey wakes up at night, do you feed her or pick her up and rock her? If so, then you're basically training her to want those things. She needs to learn to pacify herself. My Dr told me that I should get out of those habits asap. He said to let the baby cry for 10 minutes. I know, it's an eternity! Then go into her room and sooth her without picking her up. Then leave again and wait another 10 minutes. Go back in and do the same thing. Don't pick her up or feed her. This sounds cruel and is horrible to wait for, but within 3 days both my kids were sleeping through the night. It was 3 nights of hell for mom, but well worth it in the end. I believe there's a book on this, but can't remember the name. Good luck!