We have not been potty training at home yet because Hailey has not shown all of the official potty training signs (there are 10 apparently). However, I got a little surprise when I went to pick up Hailey at school yesterday, and the teacher told me that she likes to sit on the potty. What?!?!? Apparently, the children are given an option when they need a diaper change. They can lie down and get the typical diaper change, or they can sit on the potty for a few minutes. Well, all of the other little kids sit on the potty so, of course, Hailey wants to sit on the potty too. She hasn’t actually used the potty, just sat on it. Still, this is very exciting news. I haven’t even been thinking about potty training, and I don’t think that we’re going to push it at home. However, it’s kind of nice that she’s getting used to the concept.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Surprise… I’m Potty Training, Mommy!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Never Too Young to Bowl
Finding My Voice
I’m a chronic complainer, but like most people, I typically do most of my complaining to my husband, my daughter, the dog, and anyone else who happens to be nearby. It takes a major injustice (like finding shredded rubber gloves in my tacos) for me to really speak out about something. Why do I no longer try to right all of the injustices in this crazy world? It could be that I hate conflict; it could be that I’m afraid of being wrong; it could be that I'm too much of a pessimist; it could be that I’m just too lazy. Most likely, it’s all of the above. However, something that my wise and sage-like husband said has really changed my tune. I believe it was: “You can’t just keep bitching about these things if you’re not going to do anything about them.”
So, I’m done sitting back and letting all of the little things go. I’m going to tell people in our park that their dogs have to be on leashes so that they don’t maul my child. I’m going to write to the state and tell them to please time the damn streetlights on my way to work so that I don’t spend needless hours in the car stopping at five lights in succession every single day! I’m going to continue to write to the art museum to tell them that holding a toddler program during nap time is probably not the most efficient use of my donor dollars. I’m going to tell the City of
Sure, nothing will probably become of my bitching, but if we all just complain to our spouses, not only will nothing get done but we will cause a new social ill due to the rising rate of divorce.
Now, back to the important issues of Hailey and the croup. She’s fine. She’s back at school and just has a little cough. Judging by the number of kids coughing when I dropped her off this morning, I expect her to be hacking until Spring. Poor thing!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Croup
On Monday morning Hailey and I had off for Martin Luther King, Jr Day. I was excited to take her to the Children's Museum in Atlanta for the morning. She was a little congested but was cutting two eye teeth, and she's almost always congested when she's getting teeth (don't ask me why). When we got home from the museum, she took a nice nap, but when she woke up she couldn't really breathe well. I took her down and turned on a movie, and we snuggled up to enjoy our time together. I noticed that she was breathing as if she was running a marathon except she was just sitting on my lap. There was a point where I just started to panic. It's not like I thought she was going to stop breathing; she wasn't. It's just that when you hear your child take a breath that sounds like a seal call, it's a bit disconcerting. So, I grabbed her in my arms, ran up two flights of stairs, practically killed the cleaning people who were calmly cleaning the bathroom and grabbed the Vick's out of the cabinet. I pulled off her clothes and slathered her in Vick's. Thank goodness I had some around because it made an immediate difference. The next day I took her to the doctor and low and behold she has the croup. I'm glad that she didn't get it when she was little. It was scary enough at this age, although the baby books had prepared me well because I instinctively knew to throw her in the shower with me and to use the Vick's. I guess all that reading pays off in the end. Anyway, if anyone else has a croup story and would like to share, I'd love to hear it.
PS: She's fine now and will most likely be going back to school tomorrow, which means Mommy probably has to go to work. Oh well, I guess a 5 day weekend was enough.
Monday, January 21, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Catching Snowflakes
Hailey enjoyed the snow yesterday. She actually looked out the window and asked for snow this morning. I wish that I could have delivered on that request, but Mother Nature had other plans. In fact, I think that she disappointed a lot of little children who were off to school, as usual, this morning. Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted. In other news, I think that Hailey is getting some more teeth. She kept saying "mouth, mouth" over and over this morning until I asked her if her mouth hurt. Then, she proceeded to say "mouth hurt" over and over. After that, there was the battle to get the liquid Motrin down her throat, followed by the tedious task of trying to clean all of the sticky medicine off of her mouth, clothes, and hands where the majority of it landed. What an eventful morning!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Let it Sleet, Let it Sleet, Let it Sleet
There's a possibility that we're going to get freezing precipitation of some form or another overnight. Could it be that school and work will be closed tomorrow? Will there be a mad rush to buy all of the milk and bread in the greater
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Christmas Rewind

I wrote this blog in my head right after Christmas but forgot to post it with all of the holiday craziness. So, I wanted to have on record that Hailey’s Christmas was absolutely wonderful. I didn’t think that she would understand much about Christmas, but she understood one of the most important things and that is gratitude. Instead of being one of those bratty kids who tosses aside each present to get to something more interesting, she savored each and every one. From ripping the paper slowly and carefully to demanding that each toy be completely removed from its twist-tie laden packaging, she loved it all. Since we didn’t require that all presents be opened in one sitting, she had plenty of time to explore each toy or run around the house with her new clothes. She really had a blast. In retrospect, I wouldn’t do it any differently. She certainly was grateful for every gift that she received. I hope that she always understands that every gift is a blessing and that she is lucky to receive anything. Oh, and also that no gift is more precious than the time she was able to spend with her family, particularly her Grandparents who flew in from all over the country to spend the special time with her.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Applesauce, Applesauce, APPLESAUCE!!!
Hailey has a favorite food. Can you guess what it is? Now, a simple request of “Eat, Eat, Mommy” quickly turns into a demand for “applesauce.” I’m not sure who even gave her applesauce or told her what it was, but this all started around Christmas time and has now become an applesauce obsession. When it started, I was not regularly stocking up on applesauce. So, I ended up making her some in our blender. I soon realized that this was a tremendous waste of time because they sell no sugar added applesauce in giant jars at the store. Now I have several jars in the pantry for applesauce emergencies. It hasn’t gotten to the point where she won’t eat other things, yet. In fact, she eats very well at every meal. She's even learning how to feed herself the applesauce using a spoon, although it's questionable how much she actually eats when she does it herself. It’s just so funny that she’s become obsessed with one food. I’m sure you other Mommies have similar experience with kids demanding one food over and over again. Feel free to share…
Friday, January 11, 2008
Moving Up
I have all kinds of exciting news to share, but first, take a look at these curls! Wow, Hailey’s hair is really getting long, but now she’s forming a bit of a curl mullet. It’s kind of straight on top but curly on the sides. It’s equal parts adorable and funny.
The first bit of exciting news is that Hailey is moving up in school. They’ve decided to open another classroom, which will provide additional room in the 2 year old class. So, she’s going to be moving into that room. There are a few exciting changes included in the move: 1) she gets to go on field trips; 2) she gets to learn sign language; 3) she gets to eat in the gym/cafeteria with the big kids; and 4) she gets to beat up on the older boys full time! I’m really excited about the move because I like the teacher better, and I think that the room is going to provide her with some more opportunities.
The second piece of exciting news is that I took an old blog that I wrote on the “No” Phase and transformed it into a magazine article. I just submitted it to Atlanta Parent, and it will be published in May. I’m very excited about it, even though the pay is minuscule. It’s the first article that I’ve ever had published, and I’m allowed to submit it to other magazines outside of
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
A Playground Tale
Yesterday I arrived at daycare to learn that there was an “incident” on the playground. Apparently, a little boy would not let Hailey go down the slide. I’m sure that she tried to reason with the boy using the one phrase she knows, “don’t do that,” but then she got tired of his slide-hogging and swiftly knocked both the boy and the slide over. While the boy sat on the ground crying, Hailey calmly set the slide back upright and proceeded to enjoy it as if nothing had happened. Here’s the kicker though, the little boy was in the class above hers. Yes, my innocent little girl is beating up older boys. I’m not sure if I should be proud or ashamed, but we certainly talked a lot about sharing last night.
A Solution???
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Musical Torture
Hailey has been attending music class at a little place in our neighborhood since she was about 8 months old. The program is wonderful for her and has really helped her to appreciate music. The classes run in 8-10 week semesters each with its own set of music. We’ve been through three separate semesters now so we have three different CDs to listen to. At beginning and end of each class, they sing a little song called “I’m So Happy,” which Hailey loves. Now that she is keenly aware of what she’s saying, she is constantly asking for “Happy.” I usually appease her in the car by putting it on, but here’s the problem – the songs are sooooo catchy!!!! Now that we are carpooling every day to school and work together I end up singing Hailey songs all day at work. I swear that my job performance is starting to suffer. It won’t be long before I blurt out “the wheel’s on the bus go ‘round and ‘round” right in the middle of a meeting. As it is, I’m often bopping along to ridiculous kids music in my cube and I don't even have headphones on! I’m telling you that this music is like some type of poison in my brain. Hailey's lucky that she's so lovable because this is indeed Mommy torture.
What did you say?
I know that I’ve been writing recently about Hailey the parrot, but something has happened lately that is quite frightening – she’s beginning to say what she means!!! It’s no longer that she repeats what I say, now she’s using words that I’ve never heard her say before and at the most appropriate times. For example, yesterday I put her in her car seat and it was a little tight so she said, “hurt, hurt.” Then, when I loosened it and asked her if it was better, she said “syes” which is yes in Hailey speak. This morning, she tried to close the baby gate but I had it latched open and she said “stuck, stuck” then “help.” We’re suddenly living with a little person in the house! What ever will we do?
Here's a picture that I snapped during our Christmas Eve trip to the botanical gardens. There are a few more pictures up on our Flickr site (the link is on the right).