
What happened to the days when I could sit Hailey on the floor with a tupperware container and a spoon, and she would be happy for hours? Now, we're into everything and anything, not to mention our two favorite movies Nemo (pronounced Nemote) and Ratatouille (pronounced Twoey), which we could watch 20 times a day. So, it seems that I have to be more creative on the weekends. This weekend we made our own play-doh and painted with pudding. We're both off for Martin Luther King Day today, and we may be off again tomorrow if Hailey's fever and cough doesn't clear up. This cold couldn't have anything to do with the neighborhood snowball fight that we had on Saturday. Check the pictures on Flickr for the latest!
Checked out the snowball fight pics and it's obvious (to me, anyway) that Hailey is a child who would LOVE to live in the northeast! Don'tcha think? (Of course, you expected this comment from Grandpa Pete)
I agree with you whole-heartly Peter! (Which I find very surprising) I think Hailey would benefit greatly from living here and having the joy of such a large, caring, support system.
The reason she has a cold is directly related to the pictures of her wearing a Spring jacket in a snow storm! Try undershirts! And Vicks!
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