Thursday, January 03, 2008

Musical Torture

Hailey has been attending music class at a little place in our neighborhood since she was about 8 months old. The program is wonderful for her and has really helped her to appreciate music. The classes run in 8-10 week semesters each with its own set of music. We’ve been through three separate semesters now so we have three different CDs to listen to. At beginning and end of each class, they sing a little song called “I’m So Happy,” which Hailey loves. Now that she is keenly aware of what she’s saying, she is constantly asking for “Happy.” I usually appease her in the car by putting it on, but here’s the problem – the songs are sooooo catchy!!!! Now that we are carpooling every day to school and work together I end up singing Hailey songs all day at work. I swear that my job performance is starting to suffer. It won’t be long before I blurt out “the wheel’s on the bus go ‘round and ‘round” right in the middle of a meeting. As it is, I’m often bopping along to ridiculous kids music in my cube and I don't even have headphones on! I’m telling you that this music is like some type of poison in my brain. Hailey's lucky that she's so lovable because this is indeed Mommy torture.


Grampa G said...

I can remember visiting DisneyWorld when Luke was very little. I came home singing "Its a Small World After All" for days and weeks. My condolences.

ann said...

Oh Gary - It's a Small World was the worst. We actually got trapped in there when the ride broke down. Talk about torture!

I may be dating myself here, but I still find myself singing the Barney theme song "I love you..." I quickly grew to hate that purple dinosauer!

You know, I also remember having to sit through someone, and I'm not mentioning names here, watching Seasame Street all the time! Do you remember the ABC song?

Grampa G said...

you know Ann,
Fortunately most of this TV stuff was lost on me, but Mary could probably say a thing or two. I do believe is a blessing and a curse. Finding the right balance is the trick. All I remember about being little is playing outside from sun up to sun down...and parents never having to be concerned about perverts and law suits over little Johnny falling down on your property.