I can already feel my panic setting in...two girls! Oh the hormones, the dating, the makeup, the clothes, the attitudes, the ensuing boys! Does someone have a paper bag I can breathe into??? Maybe a Tums or two or five??? Well, I guess there's always boarding school.
In truth, Luke and I are thrilled. I'm hoping for a redhead. He's hoping for blue eyes. So, basically, we're having a brown eyed, brown haired girl for sure. As long as she's healthy and at least as happy as Hailey, we'll be ok.
We have pictures and video from the ultrasound this morning, but I couldn't be organized enough to actually post those. So, here's a post-ultrasound picture for you.
First of all..Congratulations on a healthy baby girl!!!! Second of all, this is the first time in...well...ever that I have guessed the gender of a baby right! woot. Sorry Luke, I'll try not to gloat too much ;)
Congrats! The Bflo group is very excited! What's that old saying?: "What goes around, comes around;" "The apples doesn't fall too far from the tree." It will be fun to sit back and watch this one!
Just joking. You're a great mother and new baby Hamilton is a very lucky lady! Love you all!!!
Well, if you check the last blog comments, you'll notice that my "vote" was for a boy, but my "guess" was for a girl. So...I'm with Katie...and we were right! I'm so excited. Can't wait for this one to get here!
Dad - Grandpa Pete X2
Sooo.... the Palmisano spell continues!!!
Congratulations! A beautiful girl... how blessed she is to belong to a family with so much love!
Aunt Nancy in AZ
Oh... PS...
I love your hair Alisa... finally a picture! And look at all of Hailey's curls!
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