Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Least Favorite Word

My least favorite word in the English language (if you can call it a word) is “huh.” It wasn’t always my least favorite word, but it has become such over the past week. Of course, this new status coincides with Hailey adopting it as her favorite word.

Now, before you start thinking that she has a hearing problem, let me assure you that she hears just fine when she wants to. For example, “Hailey, would you like a cookie?” “Yes, Mommy.” “Hailey, can you come over here and put on your shoes?” “Huh.” You see, she doesn’t have a hearing problem, she just has selective hearing.

I guess that she’s going to adopt favorite words that are worse than this in the future, but for now I’m just not going to play her little game. Even if she says it, I will not repeat myself even if I happen to be offering her something delicious. Ah, the beauty of trying to outsmart your kids.


Luke said...

Wait till she adopts "whatever". I know i drove my mom nutz with that one.

ann said...

You hang tough and show her who's boss! Happy Birthday!