It seems like just yesterday that I was whining about changing Hailey's school and how difficult it was. Well, here we go again. Our current school gave us about a month and a half notice that they are moving to a location that is completely inconvenient to our house or our work. Luckily another parent and I sniffed it out about 4 weeks ago, which means that I was able to get a jump start in looking for a new location. That's pretty important here where wait lists can range from six months to over a year. I spent an entire week's worth of lunch hours wandering around the city looking at daycare centers that ranged from having bars on the walls to being entirely green. Today, I went to a Montessori School. I always thought that I wanted to sent Hailey to Montessori, but this particular school only runs from 9-12. So, we would have to change our entire lives to accommodate it.
Ultimately, it came down to 2 schools that were near our offices. One is 90% white, is more expensive than we're paying now, and has a 6 month waiting list. The other is 90% African American, has one space available now and is $160 less than we are paying now. The curriculums are very similar and incorporate a lot of Montessori type aspects to them. Both have similar class sizes, beautiful locations, great playgrounds, etc. They are fairly equivalent in all ways but racial composition. So, it's a no brainer. We took the cheaper one with space. I think it's just a shame that in a city as diverse as ours, we still have relatively segregated day cares.
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