I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. We enjoyed a delicious turkey, corn pudding, mashed potatoes, corn bread stuffing, etc, etc. It was quite a feast. I made the whole thing myself and learned some valuable lessons, like don't put too much heavy whipping cream in your mashed potatoes lest they try to become whipped cream and end up with a consistency resembling Elmer's Glue! Other than that, everything turned out very well including the turkey which was both moist and flavorful.
Hailey learned how to play her first board game, Candy Land, while wearing her Tinkerbell costume. I think she's got a way to go before she actually understands the rules. At this point, the gingerbread characters seem to move around the board with reckless abandon. It is good for practicing her colors though.
Today, we enjoyed a fun visit to the Georgia Aquarium. Now, I need a nap!
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