Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Quick Update

Just returned from our 28-week visit to the doctor and thought that maybe Baby Sophia deserved her own blog entry. From all accounts, she’s doing very well in there. Yesterday, she had the hiccups for the first time ever. Her heartbeat was as strong as ever at the doctor today, but she was breech. No need to worry though, plenty of time and room for her to turn herself around like a good little girl. My belly measurements are just fine, and I lost 2lbs since last time, which is not a big deal considering my ridiculous gain a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I have low iron, which is making me unbelievably tired. No problem…that is easily fixed with yet another vitamin!

Other than that, all is well. I have to start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. They are beginning to talk about birth plans and preregistering at the hospital and birthing classes. Am I ready for this already? I’m just trying to make it through the holidays!!! Luckily, we don’t need much since we have all of our stuff from Hailey. We have a few major items that I’ll need to research endlessly and eventually purchase, but other than that there’s much less stress this time around (well, if you don’t count the stress from Hailey’s school transition…more on that later).

Oh yeah...Sophia Catherine...that's her name.


Anonymous said...

The Bob double stroller. Totally expensive...TOTALLY worth it!

peter said...

Grandma Catherine should be thrilled. Good decision.

Dad/Grandpa Pete

ann said...

I'm just glad we went with Sophia! Excellent choice...cuz it was mine!