Monday, February 02, 2009

Time To Slow Down

I’m going to admit something that I hate to even consider…I think that I might need to slow down a bit. I guess that I thought that I was slowing down, but based on the burning, throbbing, shooting pain I have in my back today, perhaps I need to drop it down another notch. Slowing down and (gasp) relinquishing control is difficult for us Type A personalities, but I can’t keep making emergency trips to the chiropractor and I certainly don’t want to go in to pre-term labor. Perhaps I will make a sign for my bathroom mirror that reads “I am not Super Mom. I must take care of myself. I must let others help. I must sit down when I need to.”


peter said... must. I wish I could help more.

Dad/Grandpa Pete

ann said...

We're so busy taking care of others that we neglect ourselves. If mom is out of commission, all the balls she is juggling will fall. Take care of yourself!!! And give the munchkin a big wet kiss on the belly from Great Aunt Ann!

Unknown said...

Yes, you need to slow down and let Daddy take up the slack. Grandma will be there next week to help sooner if needed.


Unknown said...

I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a super mom. You are a wonderful Mom to Hailey and you will be an even better super Mom if you take care of yourself. So put on the mirror I am a super mom and I'm going to slow down and take care of myself so I can continue to be a super mom.

Love Papa Harry & Grandma