With the second one, you think that you should know what you're doing. Here are 10 things that we definitely forgot about between #1 and #2... 10. How quickly you become exhausted 9. The consistency of baby poop 8. The unpredictability of baby poop 7. How often they have to eat 6. How precious they are when they're asleep 5. How demanding they are when they're awake 4. How much laundry is required to keep them in clean, dry clothes 3. How quickly you become exhausted (wait, did I say that already? Too tired to read back to see) 2. How difficult breastfeeding really is 1. How sweet and cuddly they are
Monday, March 30, 2009
10 Things You Forget
With the second one, you think that you should know what you're doing. Here are 10 things that we definitely forgot about between #1 and #2... 10. How quickly you become exhausted 9. The consistency of baby poop 8. The unpredictability of baby poop 7. How often they have to eat 6. How precious they are when they're asleep 5. How demanding they are when they're awake 4. How much laundry is required to keep them in clean, dry clothes 3. How quickly you become exhausted (wait, did I say that already? Too tired to read back to see) 2. How difficult breastfeeding really is 1. How sweet and cuddly they are
Friday, March 27, 2009
Binky Battles
Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that I was trying to take a binky away from Hailey? Now, I'm desperately trying to get Sophia to accept a binky as a legitimate substitute for me. This kid wants to eat non-stop. Well, not necessarily eat, but at least suck on something. Oh and that something HAS to be me. Anything else is out of the question. I believe they call her a "grazer." It makes for a very tired Mommy Moo Cow. Here's the face that I get when I don't give it up quickly enough. I swear, this child is going to suck the life out of me. Just take the binky instead, just this once. Mooooo!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It Doesn't Come Back to You
Luke, Sophia and I curled up on the couch this afternoon to watch movies. Luke was holding her when we heard massive rumblings in her nether regions. I explained to him that whoever was holding her when she did it had to be in charge of changing the diaper. When we thought she was done, he put her on the floor to change her. Apparently, we forgot the consistency of infant poop, which resembles chocolate pudding before it's congealed. Needless to say, we ended up with poop flowing out the back of the diaper, up her back, onto her clothes, onto the carpet, and everywhere else. In the midst of my laughter, Luke was running to the kitchen to get towels because we were totally unprepared for any of this and everything is now covered in uncongealed pudding. It was bad news, but everyone and everything has been cleaned up. So much for this parenting thing coming back to us!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
New Pictures Available on Flickr
Why Natural???
The main and most important reason that we do natural (and I do mean "we" because it's a 3 person job) is that it's actually safer for Mommy and baby. There are countless studies out there that suggest that medical interventions, including epidurals, tend to lead to more complications, higher c-section rates, and longer recovery times. I'm pretty big on letting science and research guide my big decisions, and the science is pretty convincing on this one.
But science alone is not enough. I guess that the main reason why we do natural childbirth is because we can. Many women fear the pain of natural childbirth and are happy to relinquish control of what will be one of the most defining moments of their lives so that they can eliminate the pain. I don't want to make a decision out of fear, especially since there's no medical reason why I need to (and I realize that's not the case for everyone).
In order to really commit to natural childbirth, you have to believe a few important truths about yourself and the process:
1) Women have been giving birth naturally for millions of years. If they can do it, you can too.
2) There will be pain, but that pain is logical, manageable, and purposeful.
3) You must take control of the decisions about your labor and simultaneously relinquish some control to your support partners.
4) You can do it.
Having just had Sophia naturally, the one truth that was so abundantly clear to me this time was #2. I was very nervous about trying to do Sophia naturally because I honestly knew what was coming and had to more consciously choose the path of more pain. However, the whole process of birth is so logical. The contractions are painful, but they are rhythmic and predictable. I knew that each one was moving me closer to Sophia. Especially at the end when we were waiting for just that last centimeter so that we could push; every contraction was an exercise is letting go, relaxing, and inviting her to come into the world. Those are the most difficult and painful contractions, but you're so close at that point that it's easy to focus on the goal. Even the pushing is rhythmic, and if you listen, your body tells you when to push and when to rest. That makes it a lot easier to be efficient and keep yourself whole.
I guess all in all I have even greater respect and appreciation for the process after Sophia. I also have great appreciation for my Mom and Luke who traveled down the road with me. It's just a beautiful thing, and I'm so glad that we did it again.
Monday, March 23, 2009
3 Other Details
1) After insisting on midwives and seeing midwives for 9 months, I was not delivered by a midwife but by the on-call doctor for the practice. Lucky for me, she was fabulous. She was patient and supportive of everything we were trying to do. She didn't rush me when we pushed and let me make every decision on my own. All in all a fabulous experience.
2) Sophia had a huge knot in her cord when she came out. It was pretty amazing to see.
3) My veins suck for IVs. After the first nurse missed twice and my arm swelled up with a lemon size knot, I tried to refuse the IV. When the doctor insisted, I tried to dodge the IV Team lady that came. Eventually though I didn't have enough energy to fight off the IV lady so I had to be poked.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Details
We got to the hospital and into a room by 6:30. I was 6-7 cm dilated when we got there, which was exactly the same as I was when I got to the hospital with Hailey. We progressed pretty quickly although it felt like an eternity. The doctors and nurses were very patient and supportive. Everyone kept telling us how great we were doing, which was extremely comforting. By the time I was 9cm, I was ready to push and getting a bit impatient. I let the doctor break my water and within minutes, I was pushing. 12 minutes of pushing later, Sophia was born.
She had a big head full of brown hair and a lot of fluid (because she came out so quick). I got to hold her right away until the respiratory therapist came and cleared out her lungs for a while. She wanted to eat almost immediately. She nursed twice in the first few hours. She was starving!! The good news is that she's a good eater and a good sleeper (so far at least). I've already started giving her a pacifier because I just can't keep up with her. However, she's been known to sleep for 3-4 hours at a time.
Unfortunately, the next morning Luke woke up with a horrible case of food poisoning. It was very sad for him to miss any of Sophia's first day, but he was violently ill and mostly just rested. Hailey and the grandparents came in the morning to spend some time with Sophia and take Luke home. Hailey just giggled and giggled when she met Sophia for the first time. Then, she wanted to sit with Sophia in the Boppy. The Boppy was the most popular "toy," not sure why.
Anyway, Sophia is a little eatin', sleepin' angel. Mommy is feeling really great (much better than with Hailey). Pushing for 12 minutes really did make a huge difference in terms of my overall health. We're home now and each of the grandparents has had a chance to hold her. I'm going to try to rest for the next few days. I have doctor's orders not to lift anything over 10lbs (including Hailey) and not to climb the stairs more than 3-4 times a day for several weeks...several weeks!!!
Here are some pictures of Sophia.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sophia's Sense of Humor
We're in labor!!!
Now You Have All Lost...Officially!!!!
Now, in other news, I started maternity leave today. I'm 9 days past my due date and scheduled for an induction on Wednesday. So, the most that I lose out of my 11 weeks will be 3 days. Seemed like a small price to pay to sit on my couch and watch March Madness. The only bad part about this plan is that I have to keep myself occupied.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Bring on the Beer
I was so disillusioned by the doctor's visit that I decided to stop to get beer on the way home (for myself not my parents, although they may need it too). Of course, the woman at the gas station just had to ask "when are you due?" It's hard to be polite at this point, but I put on my happiest Mommy face and said "I was due six days ago, that's why I'm buying beer. I may just have to drink her out." I think that she wasn't sure if I was kidding. On second thought, I'm not sure I was kidding. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
You All Lose!!!
Well, one other thing...maybe Sophia is waiting until St. Patrick's Day to grace us with her red-headed presence???? That would be great!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
File This Under Grandma Spoils Me
Hmmm...Grandma took Hailey to the Jumping Bean today, and there was a birthday party that they weren't invited to. Obviously, that means that they had to come home and immediately make cupcakes. But not just any cupcakes...strawberry cupcakes with strawberry frosting (all pink) and sprinkles and princess wrappers...seriously! Grandma blames Papa Harry for the idea and noticed that there were not whiny attitudes today. Nope, just smiles, giggles, and sugar highs.
Still No Movement
Friday, March 13, 2009
I Think I Expressed It Best...
The good news is that if I can just hold off one more night, I'll probably make it to my friend's traditional Indian wedding tomorrow. I've been wanting to go so badly because I have heard so much about all of the tradition and outfits etc. Just one more night.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Whiney McWhinestein
Someone in our house (besides me) needs an attitude adjustment. Ever since last week when she was sick, Hailey has been a bit of a nightmare. She’s constantly whiney, sometimes bratty, and rarely her normal happy self. I really don’t know if it’s a result of being pampered when she was sick or of having Grandma and Papa Harry in town or of the thought of having a new baby soon. It’s probably some combination of all of the above. I guess it doesn’t matter the cause; it just matters that she’s making me a bit batty (couldn’t be that I have little patience already since Sophia is exercising her own stubborn streak).
PS: The only people still alive in the birth date guessing are
Grandpa Pete
Auntie Ann
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What's a Due Date Anyway???
PS: Of the 20 of you who gave me a birth date guess, 14 of you have already lost. Only 6 still left in the running!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Atlanta Spring
Excuses, Excuses
Every day now, I try to evaluate just how ready I am to have this baby on that particular day. Most days so far I’ve been able to come up with excuses for why Sophia should hold off a little longer. I’ve used all of the following:
- Mom isn’t in town yet,
- Hailey’s sick,
- I didn’t sleep well the night before,
- My bag isn’t packed,
- Luke has an important meeting at work,
- The weather is too nice to be inside a hospital,
- I have half a carton of ice cream in the fridge that I need to eat first,
- My friend is getting married next Saturday, etc.
Here’s the problem…I’m running out of excuses. In fact, all of the above have been remedied except the last two. I’m going to the doctor today. My due date is tomorrow. This baby is coming at some point in the very near future, and I’m getting a little nervous. Now that I’ve been through natural childbirth once, it’s a lot harder to be excited about it. So, I better start psyching myself up because it won’t be long now.
Monday, March 09, 2009
If I Had a Dollar...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Not Again...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Pregnant 'til St. Patty's Day?!?!?!
I went to the midwife yesterday, and I think I’m going to be pregnant for a long long time to come. Ok. She didn’t say that exactly, but I’m not progressing as I had hoped. In fact, I had hoped that I would have had Sophia by now. I know that it’s still a week until my due date, but a girl who can’t sleep, has chronic heartburn, and endures hourly rib kicks can dream, can’t she???
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Thank You APS
Sunday we had snow in beautiful
On Monday, although there was no snow and a weather forecast of 40 degrees and sunny, the Atlanta Public Schools decided to close all schools for the entire day, not just a few hours in the morning which would have been sufficient for melting any black ice. Hailey’s school closes with APS so she had no school either. Mommy decided that she would have to take the day off too. I really wasn’t too upset about it because Sunday night was particularly sleepless for me. In the morning, I was a little bit nervous about how I was going to entertain Hailey for a whole day when I was exhausted and hurting and cranky myself.
However, it turned out to be a fabulous day. We ran a few errands, bought Hailey new big girl cups to replace her sippy cups, went to a place with lots of moonwalks for jumping, took a two hour nap together, and had friends over for dinner. Hailey was a very good girl and Mommy ended up more rested than when she started the day, which is always a pleasant surprise. So, thank you APS for being so incompetent as to needlessly close schools for the day. It was just what the doctor ordered.