Hailey and Sophia (and Mommy) attended their first major league baseball game last Tuesday. Here are a few pics from that. Not surprisingly, Hailey wanted to eat everything she saw. She had a hot dog, peanuts, a red icee, and ice cream. She wanted popcorn too, but that would have probably sent us to the poor house, so I had to draw the line at that point. Sophia slept for a while during the game, then woke up as soon as people really started screaming. It was a Yankee-Braves game, so high drama. Sophia didn't like the noise too much. In fact, I ended up taking her into the First Aid room where the wonderful EMT's let us use a room to breastfeed, gave us a water, and shared their air conditioning. What a great find!
In other news, Sophia has started to roll over. Of course, she's only rolling from front to back, but it won't be long now. She's also laughing a lot more these days than she ever has before. It's just great!
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