Mom and I took the girls to Target last night. Normally, I make Hailey ride in the cart, but I was feeling particularly reckless so I let a toddler loose in the toy aisles. She proceeded to walk up and down the aisles saying that she was looking for things for Hailey. When I asked her what those "things" were, she explained that they were "princess things." Shocking, I know! She then walked down the girl aisle. You know, the one with all of the pink crap. She was like an obsessive compulsive child, floating down the aisle and touching each and every pink box (which was 99% of the boxes). The whole thing was so funny to watch.
Now, if you don't have girls, you might not notice this, but they are making the most absurd things pink and slapping princesses on EVERYTHING. So, I'm sending you all on a scavenger hunt. The next time you are at Target or the grocery store or even Walmart (gasp) make a note of the most ridiculous item you see with a princess on it. Then, send us a comment, or better yet a princess, so that we can make a list of these blatant marketing ploys. I'll start...the most absurd thing that I saw princesses on at Target was a tackle box. Do we really need to have a pink tackle box when we're out fishing on the lake? Are we planning on catching Ariel???
Ahhh, you're just not thinking "girly" enough. It wasn't literally a tackle box. It was a little girly make-up box...fit for a princess!
Dad/Grandpa Pete
i agree with dad/grandpa/pete... it is a makeup box... someone just stocked it in the fishing aisle.
I need look no further than under my bed, where I have a little pink tool box, which yes, I do indeed use. There are no princess images on it, but I feel it should still count if we are keeping track of points here.
My brother Peter gave it to me years ago, and it has been handy as all get-out. The tools are scaled down a bit, and the box contains many useful items for the none-handy. Did I mention that the tools are also pink? This should definitely count!
I love my little pink took kit, and amazingly, most of the tools are still extant and have not been lost in my usual "use-it-and-lose-it" fashion. There are little pre-formed places for everything to fit back in the box, (kinda like Hailey's first puzzles) which helps this non-categorizer tremendously.
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