Friday, September 11, 2009

"My Mom Is Really Great"

Hailey and Sophia's school was having a Read-a-Thon today. They had volunteers come in to read to the classrooms. Since I get volunteer hours off at work, I decided to go in to read some stories. I read to Hailey's class first, and as I was leaving, I heard her say to her friends "My Mom is really great because...." It was the best! Do you think I could record that and play it back to her in 10-12 years?


peter said...

...because you ARE really great. I may be biased, but I think Hailey will always remember what a great mom she has.

Dad/Grandpa Pete

Nanna Mary said...

That moment and those words are etched forever on your heart...way better than any man-made technology, I think.

And when Hailey is 13-til-god-knows-when, it will be part of her "holographic" memory as well, no matter what confused, cluttered or cantankerous emotions/hormones surface temporarily.

You're good to go, Mom.

ann said...

There are moments like that that you keep inside your heart forever. It helps through the teenage years when their favorite thing to say to you is "I hate you."

You are the best mom in the world and both your daughters know that. And that, my dear, is your greatest accomplishment!

Unknown said...

Yes you truly are a wonderful Mom and both your daughters will appreciate that for many years to come. Your time and attention you give to them each and every day lets them know that they are number 1. Sorry Luke.
