Hailey is learning how to go up and down the steps without holding on to the railing. She’s very careful and deliberate about it, but it makes me exceedingly nervous. She especially likes to do it at the park where she going up and down concrete steps without a railing. Of course, she doesn’t even want me to go near her while she is making these attempts. So, I’m relegated to the bottom while she goes up and down about 20 times. I guess we’re just lucky that she’s so cautious about it.
On another note, isn’t this the cutest picture you’ve seen of this child? Oh my goodness! I hate to brag, but she’s pretty damn cute…wouldn’t you say???
WRONG! This is simply the cutest picture you have taken THIS WEEK!
Well, I was going to buy her Crocs and an Easter bonnet. Good thing I didn't cuz that child has everything! What size is she in now?
By the way...the hardest part of being a parent is letting go.
Today your daughter sang Happy Birthday to me and said "I love you Auntie Ann." It made my day!
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