Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Put Your Game Face On!

I have a problem. It’s a major discipline problem. It could potentially make me a bad parent. Here it is – I cannot discipline my child without eventually laughing at her. If you could see the ridiculous and adorable faces she makes, you would understand. It’s like disciplining Cindy Lou Who with those big, expressive eyes. I’m not trying to make excuses for my bad parenting; I’m just trying to give you a sense of the situation on the front lines. The problem is that she knows that I’m weak. That is why she listens to Luke and not to me. That is why she will sit in timeout for him but not for me. Ugh…it’s so frustrating.

I must put an end to this Mommy abuse. I must be stern and strong and firm when I am disciplining her. Why am I contemplating my incompetence at this point? Because Luke is going away for 4 days and leaving me at home alone with our angel-faced demon-child. The test begins on Wednesday. Will I fail miserably or step up to the challenge? Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alisa...
I finally logged on to your blog again... and boy... does that sound just like Stacey!! When I would discipline her, she would tilt her head sideways and make funny faces... like rolling her eyes and stretching her mouth and sticking out her tongue. She said she didn't like mommy's 'mad face'. She knew I break easy and she could make laugh... how could you not? They are sooo adorable at this age.

Anyway... she listened to Gus better because he has the deeper stronger voice which apparently means business. Go figure... mommy's 'mad face' didn't cut it. After all... she was with me all day long so she knew how to work me. (she still does) So what's the solution? Persistance... and perhaps taking away something she likes. That exhibits that there's a consequence for bad behavior... like no Barney until you pick up the toys... or no playdate until you apologize. See what I mean? (This especially works great as they get older too)

Of course... I'm probably not the best parent to advise you... but these are my suggestions. You just have to do the best you can.

Just make sure you reinforce how much you love her. That's most important.

Aunt Nancy
in AZ

Alisa Hamilton said...

I was telling a more experienced Mommy at work about my parenting problem. She told me that I needed to practice my upset face in the mirror. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight. I'm glad that Luke isn't home to see this.

ann said...

Well, take it from me. You can either get your act together now, or deal with her when she's as tall as you and a teenage with car keys in her hand...you decide!

ann said...

And stop laughing. You have to be stern and then run in the bathroom and laugh