Yesterday was our first day without Daddy, and I have to say that it went very well. As much as I complain about her terrible toddlerness, she’s actually a really good kid. I think that the key is just to keep her really busy, and yesterday we were!
When we got home from work, we went straight to the park, then picked up dinner at a nearby restaurant, ate quickly at home, and then headed to our new garden plot. Since this is our first year in the community garden, we decided to purchase some worms like many of our neighbors. The garden ordered 1,000 worms, and I got 100. So, how do you pick out 100 worms? Well, that’s where Hailey and a shovel come in. I first just scooped up what looked like 50 with a shovel and dumped them into my plot, but that wasn’t very fun for Hailey. So, I picked one up with my hand to introduce her to the concept. She touched it reluctantly and said “slimy” and “soft.” I decided to give her the important job of picking up the worms one by one and carrying them to our garden plot. Now, she didn’t do all 50, but she did really enjoy it. Then she decided that the worms needed to be dug into the garden with a trowel AND a hammer. It is clear to me that I better build her a garden of her own, lest she dig up my plants all summer long! Here are some shots of her escapades with the worms.
I LOVE the fact that she is getting into vegetable gardening so soon. I think she will really have fun picking the veggies...if she can wait for ripeness, which could be a problem for you down the line. But if she can learn about caring for these living things properly and being rewarded later, that is so cool.
Love the pigtails! She is so cute. I miss her and think you should send her up here for a few weeks this summer. I'm sure your Dad will agree!
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