Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Log Your Vote

It's only 7 days until our 20 week ultrasound. Boy or Girl? Log your vote in the comments!


peter said...

Well, my "vote" is for a boy, since there hasn't been one born in my immediate family since 1957! And, in my lifetime, I've never had a boy baby to love and watch grow up. But, my "guess," going with the odds in the Palmisano genes, would be another girl...just because we LOVE them so!

Love, Dad-Grandpa Pete

ann said...

I'm going with a boy. Miss Hailey needs a brother to protect her from all the suitors she'll have.

Of course, a sister to share clothes with is fun too. Mine ws from a different generation so I never had that luxury.

Anonymous said...

I going with the 'nana' spell... she wanted girls!!!

However... we do have to consider Luke's side... Hmmm... are his genes strong enough to break the Palmisano spell???

Either way... there will be plenty of love for this little girl... I mean boy... oh.. I mean girl... no wait... a boy! Maybe... hmmm...

Love Aunt Nancy in AZ

Anonymous said...

After much debate, I'm gonna go with boy, but I feel nowhere near as confident as I did that Hailey was a girl.