Saturday, December 30, 2006
Christmas/New Years
Sorry that it's taken so long to get to a holiday post. We've had quite a number of visitors to the Hamilton household. So, it's been pretty hectic.
Christmas was very fun for Miss Hailey. She really enjoyed opening presents on Christmas morning. In truth, what she really enjoyed was trying to put all of the wrapping paper in her mouth. She's getting really fast in the hand to mouth race.
It took quite a while to open gifts because we had to take a breakfast break midway through. She got so many wonderful toys and new outfits that I've just now gotten everything washed and put away. She's been playing with all of her new toys (even though we said that we were going to put some of them away for later). She's been having lots of fun with all of them, particularly the ones that make some type of annoying noise!
Here are a few pics of the events.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Jeans, Jeans, Jeans
There are certain articles in every woman's wardrobe that are truly sacred - a comfortable bra, a pair of sexy underwear, a beat up college t-shirt, and a spectacularly perfect-fitting pair of jeans. Before I got pregnant, I had two pairs of perfect jeans. Of course, I paid what I would consider an ungodly amount for them. There aren't many articles of clothing that I will splurge on, but I wear jeans day after day for years and years. So, as far as I'm concerned, they're worth a pretty penny and then some.
It wasn't long after I got pregnant that I packed up my perfect jeans along with all of the other clothes that I had been wearing and put them in a box labeled "Alisa's skinny clothes." About a week after I had Hailey, I ventured into the attic to pull out that box. After all, I was skinny again, right? Wrong. It's taken me almost 5 months, but yesterday I finally squeezed myself into one of my perfect pair of jeans (the other pair are a bit smaller!). I wore them to the hockey game last night (where the Sabres clobbered the Predators). I waited all day at work to put those jeans on, and it was great! I'll be wearing them at least for the next three days. Of course, I can't wash them until I lose another pound or so because if they shrink at all, I'll be back to my maternity clothes.
In other news, Hailey made it on the jumbotron at the hockey game last night. She was wearing her Predators outfit with her Buffalo Sabres bib. She has mixed allegiances. What can you do?? She loves to go to the games and stare at the white ice. So, it was a fun time for everyone except the diehard Predator's fans, since the Sabres beat them 7-1. Yikes!
Monday, December 18, 2006
National Blog Recognition
Also, you will note that I created a new blog It's Mommy Time that I've linked to at the end. I really wanted to build that up as a more generic version of my current blog, but I haven't been able to figure out how to move all of the comments and stuff over. So, I'm just going to leave it as is for now.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Lessons in Fatherhood - Part 1
On Saturday, Hailey had the privilege of attending her first wedding ceremony and reception. She was dressed in her finest attire - a beautiful pink floral dress, white tights, and a coat. Luke's boss had given her the outfit, and this was the perfect event to show it off. She looked adorable (as you might imagine). Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures to commemorate the event because we were too busy just trying to get ourselves there on time. We figured that we would take the pictures after the wedding...HA!
Just as the bride and groom were beginning their first dance, Hailey had an explosion - a major explosion. Luckily (for Mommy that is), she was sitting on Daddy's lap. His leg was covered in yuck in a matter of seconds. It was a great example of Mommy/Daddy teamwork. Mommy held poopie baby while Daddy wiped poopie off of his pant leg. I have to say, those Dockers pants are amazing. I know I sound like a Dockers commercial, but a few wipes with a napkin and you couldn't tell at all. It was amazing! Of course, Hailey didn't fair so well. Being the ultra-prepared Mommy that I am, I had brought an extra outfit, and we made a quick change in the bathroom. The dress survived the ordeal after a good bit of scrubbing and two types of stain remover. The adventures in poopiedom never cease.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Lessons in Motherhood - Part 3
Since her birth four months ago, I've given Hailey many baths in her sinktop bath tub, and we never had an incident. Ok, maybe a bit of peepee now and then, but that never hurt anyone. Just this week I started putting her in the big bathtub with me. It gives her more room to kick and splash, and it's easier on my back if I'm in there with her. See where this is going??? Last night, I waited until after she had eaten and pooped to get in the bath with her. It was "perfect timing." Until about 5 minutes into it, I hear a terrible noise. I look down and pray that it was just a bit of gas, but it wasn't. So, now I'm covered in poop, she's covered in poop, and there's poop floating (and sinking) in the water. After some screaming (me, not her), Daddy came to the rescue. The worst part about it was that I used all the hot water filling the tub twice and cleaning it in between. That meant cold shower for Mommy afterward. When did bathing become so complicated???
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Daycare Decision
That's why I've decided to go with the in-home daycare that I visited near my office. It was the only place that felt comfortable and natural. Sure, it doesn't have all of the routinized, sanitized feeling as the other places, but that's why I like it. You see, Hailey is a very social child. She loves interacting with adults and especially with other children. She likes flirting with the little boys when Katie, our current sitter, takes her to her Mom's group. She just enjoys activity, noise, and even a little commotion. It's probably a combination of her age and her personality. Everything is fascinating to her right now. That's why I don't think that she is going to respond well to a typical daycare setting where the only interaction is with two adults and a few other little babies her age. At the in-home daycare, she can watch all of the older kids and participate in story time and the singing and other activities. She's going to love to watch them do things that she's not ready for yet, and she's going to learn. In the end, I'm looking for someplace that can keep her more than just "safe" for 8 hours a day. I'm looking for a place where she can be stimulated and learn. I'm hoping that's what this daycare can do for her. Plus, I'll be able to visit her every day at lunch to give her a little extra Mommy snuggle time.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Daycare Dilemma
First, let me just say that I am not a daycare prude. I am 100% open to the idea of putting Hailey into daycare. I think that it's good for her to interact with other children even at a young age. However, I'm not finding any daycares that I like, and what's worse, I'm not even sure I know what I'm looking for.
So far, I've visited three possibilities. All that have openings in January. The first one was a more "institutional" approach with children of like ages separated into rooms with a childcare monitor. I say monitor because I didn't see a whole lot of interaction, particularly with the infants. The second one was a slightly more open layout with kids of like ages separated into sections of one giant room. There was a little more interaction with the caregiver, but it didn't feel very warm, and basically spiraled into contained chaos when the older kids were having free play. The third option is in the lower level of a private home. There are a total of 12 kids, 3-4 infants and a bunch of other kids of various ages. There are only 2 childcare workers (one is the owner), but they are very warm and interactive with the children. The infants were carried and spoken to and played with. It seemed friendlier than either of the other two, but has some obvious drawbacks.
The other issue is do I find a place closer to work, which is much more difficult to find, but would allow me to visit her and even nurse at lunch? Or, do I find a place near home so that Luke can be involved in bringing her to/from the center? I think that I've almost exhausted my options near work, but tomorrow I'm going to visit 2-3 near home. Of the three that I've visited so far, I think that I like the in-home care the best. Any thoughts?
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
4 Months and We're Rolling
Monday, November 27, 2006
Oops I Dropped It Again
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Family Leave
Since I've joined the millions of other working Moms in America, I'd like to contribute my two cents on the issue of government support for families. First, I think that there will never be any government-backed maternity leave until we reframe the issue as "family leave." We have to stop pitting men against women, those with children against those without, working moms against stay-at-home moms, etc.
Believe it or not, paid family leave is really a family value, not a hand out to women who choose to work and have a family. Don't get me wrong, the promise of paid family leave would certainly help working mothers, but it would also help single people adopting children, fathers expecting children, childless people with sick mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc.
It's not about giving me a handout because I choose to have kids. It's about deciding as a society that we are going to value family members caring for each other. That we are going to give sons and daughters the flexibility to take care of ailing parents, and foster parents time to adjust to caring for another human being, and fathers a chance to bond with their newborns. It's so vitally important and yet the "family values conservatives" are more worried about gay people marrying than how millions of American families are going to juggle raising kids, taking care of ailing parents, maintaining work responsibilities, and last (and always least), finding time for themelves. How 'bout them family values!
At the very least, I wish that there was a little more informed debate/discussion on the issue. We spend so much time arguing about much less important things. Here's something that affects everyone that we completely ignore.
If you want to read more on the topic you can read Leslie Morgan Steiner's blog on the subject at
PS: Now that my ranting is done, I will tell you that Hailey Marie will be 4 months old on Sunday! She's giggling, grabbing things, and jumping in her johnny jumper. I can't believe it myself.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Happy Halloween
Hailey's first Halloween was both fun and low key. We didn't go trick or treating, but she did help us answer the door for all of the kids. We went through 6 bags of candy if that gives you any idea of the number of trick or treaters we had. I think that she really enjoyed seeing all of the new faces, even if they were kind of scary! At one point, these younger kids arrived and she let out this loud squeal. I thought that she was upset, but when I looked down at her, she was just overjoyed. It was pretty funny to hear her make all that noise. Here are some pictures that we took to commemorate the event. Luke calls the second picture Countess Droolcula! There are some additional pictures available on the Flickr account
Monday, October 23, 2006
World Traveler
Monday, October 16, 2006
Baby Snot
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
2 Month Doctor Visit
Monday, October 02, 2006
New Pictures Available!
In other news, Hailey took her first plane ride on Saturday. She was a perfect angel the whole way to Buffalo. Then, she spent the weekend visiting with friends and family. She was quite charming and everyone here was very taken with her adorableness. We are flying back to Nashville today, but she's been a bit fussy. So, wish us luck on the plane ride back!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A Mother's Love
Well, I'm here to finally say to my Mom, "I get it." I understand. I appreciate you in a way that I never have before. In a way that I never could before I had my own. It is totally true - there is no love like a mother's love. There's no one that will feel your pain like a mother will, no one that will share your joy the same way, no one that will give up more for you, and subsequently, no one that you can hurt more.
So, if it's any consolation to mothers of all the attitudinally challenged teenagers out there, I'm here to tell you that there is hope. Because one day they'll understand too (if you're lucky and if not, well there's nothing you can do since these feelings don't come with an off switch).
By the way, as I write this heartfelt thought, Hailey is sitting on my lap making really loud poops and spitting up all over how can that be so adorable!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Back at Work
I've gotten only positive reports about her behavior at Aunt Katie's house. She takes three bottles and then I nurse her immediately when I get home. Luke's been incredibly supportive and helpful with this arrangement, which is also a weight off my shoulders. All in all, I'd say that the transition has been pretty smooth so far. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything continues to work out.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Almost 6 Weeks
I can't believe that Hailey is almost 6 weeks old! Here are some new pics that Grandpa Pete took during his most recent visit. The smiles aren't actually a reaction to anything other than her own gas, but you've got to take what you can get at this point. It probably took me 30 pictures just to catch her with a smile...thank goodness for digital cameras!
Let's see, since my last blog, she's taken a bottle, become enthralled with our ceiling fan, and taken a trip to Cincinnati. Not bad for her first six weeks of life. Today we did a practice run with our sitter, Katie. I have to go back to work on Monday so Hailey will be with Katie on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. I'll be working at home on Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm really hoping that this schedule works out so that I can continue working, especially since we can use the money now more than ever. The worst part about working again is having to worry about taking days off. I'd like to take a few trips while she's still young, but I have so much trouble scheduling vacation. It would be nice to just pick up and leave whenever I want, but I guess we'll have to just figure it out as we go along. The good news is that now that I'm working again, I'll have more time to blog.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Lessons in Motherhood - Part 2
To add some other excitement to the pot, Hailey has "thrush," which for those of you that don't know, is a yeast infection in her mouth. It turned her tongue completely white (which was really nasty). It also made nursing really painful again. The medicine that we have to give her is in liquid form, and we have to dropper .5 ml into each cheek and rub it around in her cheek. The medicine is this sweet smelling sticky crap that is really unpleasant, but it seems to be doing the job.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try to get Luke to put some pictures up this weekend.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Lessons in Motherhood - Part 1
Last night Hailey slept for 5 hours from 9pm to 2am...what a gift! Then, she woke up again at 4:45am to eat, but she was a little wet in the behind so I decided to change her. Remember, it was 4:45am so I wasn't fully awake (I can nurse lying down now so I don't have to fully wake up). So, I changed her diaper in bed as I was half asleep. At about 7:45 this morning, she started fussing again and I hear this explosive wet poopy noise. Then, I roll her over and realize that I didn't put the diaper on all the way when I changed her at 4:00am so there is wet, yellow poopy all over her nightgown, blanket, my bed sheets, etc. It was a bad scene. Thank goodness it was 7:45 and not 2:00am or something. She got a much needed bath this morning and is now sleeping soundly!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
In case you haven't seen the hospital pictures can go to . We need to get Daddy to take some more pictures soon.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Hailey Marie Hamilton arrived at 7:44am on Sunday, July 30, 2006. She weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 20.5 inches long. She scored almost perfectly on her APGAR test, and was delivered without the use of any pain medication whatsoever. She has a full head of brown hair with blond undertones.
Now that we have the basics out of the way, I'll tell you some of the gorey details. On Saturday night, I started having contractions around 10:00pm. I had a feeling that I would go into labor on Saturday because it was the one day in the last month that my doula was out of town. Neither of us thought that I would be 8 days late so it didn't seem like the trip would be a big deal. Surprise,'s the day Miss Hailey finally decides to come.
So, I didn't recognize the contractions at first because it felt like back pains, and there was no pain at all in the front. I started timing the pain around 11pm, and they were about 8 minutes apart. It didn't take long to go from 8 minutes apart down to 5 minutes apart, and we were packed and in the car by 12:45am. We arrived at the hospital around 1:15am, and I measured only 4 cm. I was so pissed when I first got there because I had hoped to labor at home until I was at least 6 cm. Luckily, it only took about an hour to get from 4 cm to 6 cm.
Within another 2 hours, I was 8 cm. Since Amy, the doula, was not around, my Mom served as my doula and Luke was the coach. It was great! They were absolutely perfect and kept me completely calm and relaxed through each contraction. Since I had so much back labor, my Mom stood in front of me so that I could hold on to her while Luke sat behind me and rolled ice or massaged my back. It worked out very well (that's not to say that it wasn't ridiculously painful).
The midwives and nurses basically stayed out of our way since we were doing so well on our own.
At about 6:30am, I was 9.5 cm and ready to begin pushing. Pushing was by far the most invigorating, amazing, and painful experience of my life. Still, I knew I was at the end so it didn't take that much motivation for me to really give it my all. I pushed for about an hour and fifteen minutes, and I was able to reach down and feel her head when it crowned. Then, before I knew it there was a screaming, slimey baby on my belly. I kept her on my belly for a long time before they finally took her to clean her up. It was amazing!!!!
Here's the picture from just after she was born. Since we are still at the hospital, we haven't been able to get the pictures off of the camera, but we'll put them up asap.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Christmas with No Santa
Monday, July 24, 2006
No News Yet
Well, my due date has come and gone, but still no Baby Hailey. We are all just waiting around eagerly anticipating her arrival. I feel like I've tied up every loose end that I had left so there is nothing to do but wait. Of course, we are trying to watch movies and take walks and eat lots of ice cream. We'll do just about anything to distract from the fact that there is no baby yet (even continue going to work). I had another midwife appointment today, and she's in the ready position. I guess just not ready enough.
In the meantime, here is a cute picture of the crib for you to enjoy. My Grandma, Hailey's Great Grandma, made the blanket that's draped on the crib. Hopefully, next time I write I'll have one of those goofy- looking hospital mug shots for you!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Last Ultrasound
We had our last ultrasound today, and Miss Hailey is doing very well in there. I don't really have any pictures to show for it, but she was in the low 7lb range. The midwife says that there is nothing to worry about so now we just have to wait! So here is the calendar with all of the birthday guesses. Some of you have already lost...too bad.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
All Systems Are Go!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Map of the Belly
Monday, July 03, 2006
Hair/Eye Color Game
Also, if you would like to select a birth date, I'm keeping track of guesses on that as well. Just remember that if you want me to continue to like you, I'd think long and hard about picking a date much later than July 22nd (her official due date). It's already 96 degrees here and I'm carrying around an extra 35lbs so every day matters!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
6lbs Already?!?!?!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Midwife Update and Cord Blood Donation Rant
Also, Luke and I were both able to feel her little head through my belly. That was pretty cool. She's head down so no breech babies here. Good little girl...way to save Mommy from a yucky c-section.
Now, let me bitch for a minute about this whole cord blood situation. Luke and I have always wanted to donate the cord blood from any children that we might be fortunate enough to have. Our opinion is that if our biomedical waste can somehow save someone else's child, then that's pretty much a no brainer for us. Unfortunately, I've waited too long to sign up so now we can't do it. I realize that this is completely my fault for procrastinating, but I honestly did not know that there would be no local programs and that it would be so confusing. Apparently, our government, in it's infinite wisdom, passed a law mandating that all pregnant women be given information about the program, but then they didn't fund any additional donation sites. So, it's basically worthless. Sounds pretty familiar!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
More Shower Fun
Here is the belly at 35 weeks...pretty impressive, huh? Surprisingly, I'm still pretty comfortable on a day-to-day basis. Of course, I can't slouch or bend down. The most annoying thing is just the constant hiccups that she seems to have. It's such a bizarre feeling, and there's nothing that I can do about it except to wait for them to go away.
Anyway, last Sunday was our family and friends baby shower in Nashville. It was a couples shower, which was a little different but really fun. Hailey got lots of beautiful presents. Almost our entire registry was filled. Mom was here for the big event and then she spent the rest of her time washing all of the clothes and getting the nursery together. It looks pretty good now. Thank goodness for Moms. My next appointment with the midwives is Wednesday and then I'll have to go every week after that. I'll try to post again right after my appointment.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Babies Are Such a Good Deal
only had one shelf and bar that went all the way around the top. It was just the wire shelving crap that the contractor installed, and it would never do for our precious little one. So, off we go to Target, Home Depot, and finally, Lowes. Several hundred dollars later and poor Luke is forced
to put together multiple shelving units, which I insisted upon. Unfortunately (or fortunately for Luke I suppose), we couldn’t fit all of the shelving units that I wanted so she only has a corner piece and one 30” piece. Plus, she has tons and tons of bars for hanging clothes. Needless to say, this little project didn’t exactly get finished over the weekend. Thank goodness that my Mom arrived today to help put things in order. Maybe I’ll try to take a picture when we’re finished so that you can see the finished work in all of its glory.
On another note, I’m pretty sure that my belly has grown quite a bit since my last trip to the doctor. The only way I can really gauge the growth is by how stretched out my belly button is getting. Let’s just say that it’s gone from being an innie to an outie to a flattie. Yikes.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Hailey Weight Update
I just got back from seeing the midwife, and she says that Hailey is a little small weight-wise (in the 45th percentile). Plus, I'm measuring a little small on the outside. If my belly doesn't grow enough in the next 3 weeks, we have to do another ultrasound to make sure there are no growth problems. I hate when they say crap like that. Now I have to spend the next 3 weeks wondering if she's growing in there or not!!! I'm fine if she doesn't weigh that much (I was only 6lbs 11oz), but why worry me with thoughts of “growth problems” (which, by the way, is too vague a term to even Google).
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Baby Shower and Weight Game
Here are the ultrasound pictures from last Monday.
Luke and I came home to Buffalo this weekend for our family baby shower. It was lots of fun and Hailey received some beautiful clothes and other useful things. We are flying home today. Thank goodness this is my last trip until after Hailey is born. Flying has really become quite a pain in the butt (or gut as the case may be).
Anyway, we've had some requests to have a game for guessing Hailey's weight. So, leave comments with your guess, and I'll summarize them all in a future blog. Then, we'll see who is closest. Don't forget that at 31 weeks, she was 3lbs 11oz so you can figure it out from there. Happy Guessing!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Blog Slacker
In other exciting development news, Hailey's begun experiencing the hiccups from time to time. That's a really odd feeling. She also has some hair on her head (I can't wait to see what color it is since it's really a crap shoot with us). I think that fingernails and toenails are also there. She's just like a super-miniature person at this point!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Today is the beginning of week 30! Only 12 more days until our next ultrasound!!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
New Belly Shots
Take a look at that outy belly button! Yikes! Next week we'll hit the 30 week mark. I can't believe that there will only be 10 weeks left.
Hailey has been very active lately. She's starting to get a schedule going so I know when to anticipate the heaviest kicking. Plus, when she kicks I can feel her little body parts in there if I just press down a little bit. It's really weird. I wish that I knew what I was feeling. I'll probably figure it out as she gets bigger.
In other exciting news, random strangers are now commenting on my pregnancy. So, I guess that I'm finally beyond the point where people are too scared to ask. Making it to almost 30 weeks without openly "showing" is quite an accomplishment I would say, but now it's getting hotter out and I should be garnering a little more sympathy. I can hear it now, "You poor thing. You must be so hot and uncomfortable. Here let me carry those groceries for you." Excellent!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Colors and Themes
With that said, a few people have asked me for some direction on purchasing things for Hailey and the nursery. In terms of clothes, I'm guessing that we don't need a ton of newborn clothes because it's going to be extremely hot when Hailey arrives so she's probably going to be either naked or swaddled, depending on the temperature of the a/c and how fussy she is. We didn't really register for any clothes because they are all so adorable that part of the fun is going to pick them out!
We've decided on a Winnie the Pooh theme for the nursery. Luke's probably going to paint some characters on the walls for us. We are going to try to keep thinks lavendar and green because neither of us are big pink-lovers. I'll try to take a picture of the nursery as it looks right now so that we can get a before and after comparison.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Big Hailey Development News
I can't believe that I'm at 27 weeks already. The last 4-5 weeks have just flown by. We have our 28 week checkup on May 1st, and then our 30 week ultrasound coming up after that. It seems like the first 20 weeks were so slow and now time is just flying by!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The New Bed
At long last, we finally have a real bed and a new mattress!!!! It arrived yesterday so last night was our first night in it. As you can see from the picture, the bed is huge! However, we made a slight miscalculation in the height of the mattress. I think that we are going to have to exchange the box springs for low profile ones that should bring the mattress height down about 6 inches. I just think that it looks kind of goofy the way it is. Plus, I have to practically jump to get up there! Other than that very minor issue, the bed is fabulous. I had no back pain last night or in the morning. It's kind of difficult to see just how gigantic the bed is from the picture, but let's just say it's big, big, big. We've finally found something to fit our huge bedroom! Yeah!!!!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Childbirth Class: Episode 1
Anyway, there are about 5-6 couples in the class. We began by going around the room and talking about our ideal births and our fears. The first few people talked about being afraid of the pain and worrying that their baby would be healthy. I have all of those fears too, but I didn't want to just repeat what everyone else was saying so I said that I was afraid that I was going to get hungry during labor and the nurses wouldn't let me eat. Everyone thought that was soooo funny, but I wasn't trying to be funny. This is a real concern!!!! If I'm in labor for 18 hours, I'm going to want a granola bar or something!!!! At least several of the other women in the class said that they completely agreed, after they stopped laughing.
After introductions, we learned about the history of giving birth in an upright posture versus the medical model of lying down. I'm no doctor, but I don't think that it takes an advanced degree to realize that you might as well use gravity to your advantage on this one. I'm sure that we'll be learning all of the fun ways to give birth upright in future classes. We spent the rest of the time this week just learning a breathing technique to help with relaxation during contractions. I'm really interested to see how well I can relax during a contraction. Seems like that will be really really difficult. Oh, well. I just keep telling myself that women have been doing this with midwives and no drugs for thousands and thousands of years. It's the one reassuring thought that I have!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Visit with the Midwife
Well, I kind of think that a few of the lbs can be explained by the fact that I was wearing a jacket and knee high boots when they weighed me this time. Still, I'm going to turn over a new leaf and try to eat a little healthier. What's crazy is that I'm not eating any worse than I did before I was pregnant. I am, however, eating red meat which I've never done before. I'm going to blame the cows for this because I'm sure that it can't be the ice cream (and even if it were, that would be their fault too)!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Princess and the Pea
In terms of Miss Hailey, she is doing fine. She's decided that it's a fun game to kick my organs now instead of out into my belly where it's kind of cute. So, every once in a while I'll be sitting around and I'll feel a foot or arm or something hit some vital organ. I'm thinking that it's most often my bowel or intestines maybe. Whatever it is, it's something that I don't feel on a regular basis!
Monday, March 27, 2006
The Selfishness before Selflessness
I’m learning an interesting (although dangerous) lesson. Pregnant women are allowed to be a bit selfish about everything from food portions to weekend plans. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I’m unfairly using my “condition” to my advantage. How can I explain this without making it sound like Luke deserves a medal for bravery (although he probably does)? I just find myself taking a little more time (ok…and food) for myself and feeling a little less bad about it. Let me give some examples. I’ve begun going to the chiropractor, and I’m seriously considering monthly or biweekly massages. I’m also suddenly 100% behind the idea of getting a cleaning lady, and I don’t mind napping at 3:00pm on a Sunday. These are all things that I probably would have never considered before because they were always too expensive, too indulgent or just a waste of time. Now that I’m pregnant, my new motto is: I’ll gladly take that 90-minute massage and that bigger bowl of ice cream too.
Monday, March 20, 2006
New Picture
Here is a picture of the pregnant belly at 22 weeks. As you might expect, Luke deserves the credit for artfully taking and editing this picture. I look like I'm leaning back to emphasize the belly, but I was just trying to stand up straight. I think that says something about either my terrible posture or the size of my comments from the peanut gallery, please.
Explaining the Pregnant Waddle
Well, now that I've experienced this phenomenon myself, I've decided to shed a little light on the subject. I have discovered that there are at least three reasons for the pregnant waddle. I say "at least" because I'm sure that there are more that I have not experienced because I'm not quite big enough yet. So, here are the ones that I've experienced so far:
1) "I have to pee waddle" - It's no surprise that pregnant women have to pee every five seconds, what with a little person exerting constant pressure on our bladder. Sometimes that feeling becomes so uncomfortable that we try to move our midsection as little as possible. Thus, the "I have to pee waddle."
2) "My stomach muscles are shredded waddle" - As our stomachs expand, there are abdominal muscles in there that are paying a terrible price. I find that those muscles tend to hurt from time to time as Hailey has her little growth spurts. This makes it very uncomfortable for me to use them for anything (including walking).
3) "Back pain waddle" - This waddle has an entirely different cause, but the same overall effect. If you've ever been pregnant and experienced a painful or stiff back, you know exactly what this one is about!
If you have any others, feel free to post them in a comment and I'll add them to my second installment.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Baby Hailey Update
In news of the belly button, it's begun to flatten out completely. I guess that the next step is to become an outy! I'll try to get a picture up this weekend.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
KFC and Other Musings
On a subject that is completely unrelated to the fact that I can no longer fit into my pants, I've been having some serious cravings for Kentucky Fried Chicken over the past few days. I haven't caved in yet because the disgust factor has been more than I can overcome, but it's just a matter of time. They say that you crave what the baby needs nutritionally, so does that mean that Hailey really needs some greasy fried chicken skins?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Official Name Spelling: Hailey Marie Hamilton
Hailey's grandmother, step-grandpa, and grandpa are all coming in and out of town over the next 5 days so I apologize if the blog frequency suffers. I'll try to get another belly shot up as soon as it seems worthwhile. The belly is still a little incognito. Now I just look chubby. Oh well, I'll take chubby over uncomfortable any day. By the way, tomorrow will be the first day of my 21st week.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Foot Picture
Isn't this the cutest baby foot that you've ever seen! Just thought I'd share another ultrasound shot. There's also a 16 minute video of the whole experience, but even a proud Mommy thinks that's a little much. In other exciting news, I bought my stroller last night for half off at Burlington's Baby Depot. I saved $50 on it, and it was the exact one that I wanted (highest rated on Consumer Reports, of course). The bargains continue...
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Introducing...Haley (or Hailey or Hayley) Marie Hamilton
If you haven't guessed already, it's a girl!!!!
Haley is about 10" long according to the ultrasound. She's got adorable little feet that we could see very clearly. I've got a good picture of that. We also were able to see her heart, brain, spinal cord, kidneys, bladder, arms, and girl parts (of course). She had a heart rate of 138, and she might have been sucking her thumb at one point. I have to admit, it was pretty cool to see her moving around in there. She also seems to like her privacy because she was all curled up in a ball, and she wouldn't let us get a good view of her face. We were, however, able to see her nose and upper lip. She looked perfect to me!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Naked Baby Theory
Anyway, when the baby arrives, it will be the middle of summer here. For those of you who have never experienced the joy of a Tennessee August, let me tell you that it is HOT! It's the kind of heat that has you running from your air conditioned car into the air conditioned grocery store so that you don't wind up with pit stains from the heat and humidity outside. Now, I'm typically a very cold person, so I can tolerate the heat for longer periods than the average person, but it's not particularly pleasant. That's why I think that the baby will probably spend a lot of it's first few weeks on earth mostly naked (with a diaper, of course). I know that air conditioning is a problem with a naked baby, but I don't like to keep the house too cold. So, I'm thinking that I don't need a lot of newborn clothes because BH will probably grow out of them before it's cool enough to wear them. I've already invested in some newborn onsies, and those will probably be the bulk of my newborn wardrobe. I don't really know if this theory is correct or not. I guess I better ask some people who have had babies in the heat of the summer. In the meantime, it's just something to think about when you get lured into the baby section at Target, as I find I frequently do.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
The Underground World of Consignment Shopping
This weekend I discovered the secret holy land of baby crap, the underground paradise of bargain shoppers, the mecca of all used baby things…the consignment sale. A friend of mine, who is expecting her first child in March, first mentioned this amazing institution to me on Saturday. I subsequently had to register online by verifying that I was indeed a first time mother. I’m not sure what would happen if you lied about said motherhood stage, but I’m guessing that you risk being banned from the holy land forever. Luckily for me, I was among the select few who could gain early entrance. After registering, I had my golden ticket, which came in the slightly less exciting form of a black and white printout of an invitation.
Late on Sunday night (and by late I mean 7:00pm because that’s late when you’re busy growing another human) we arrived at this huge, inconspicuous warehouse. Well, it wasn’t as inconspicuous when we drove up and saw the droves of SUVs and minivans, but whatever. I felt like I was going to a secret rave for bargain hunting mommies. The website promised 30,000 sq ft of mint condition used baby supplies, 16 checkout lines, maps of the facility, etc. It warned shoppers to tell husbands and babysitters that they would be out late.
Well, what we found inside was a little less dramatic than what was advertised. For example, 30,000 sq ft might have been the size of the entire space, but about half was completely empty. And, the 16 checkout lines were really just 16 people waiting to count and pull the tags off your crap with only 3 actual computers to do the “checking out.” So, the line took approximately 30 minutes to get through.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Buffalo Trip
My grandfather (my mother's father) was diagnosed with bile duct cancer over a month ago. On Monday, he had surgery to remove a golf ball size tumor. I flew up to Buffalo on Saturday and attended the surgery on Monday. It was a very complicated 9 hour surgery that involved removing organs and parts of organs. He did great in the surgery and was only minorly cranky when I saw him the next day (completely understandable if you ask me!). He's since been moved out of the ICU and is terrorizing the nurses on other floors. Today they tried to walk him half way down the hall, and he insisted on walking all the way to the end. Sounds like he's up to his old tricks!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The Name Game
The excuses for why a name isn't right are where the real entertainment and creativity come in. A name might be rejected because it's shared by a famous (not so good) actor, a friend's dog, a serial killer, a cousin twice removed that lives in a different country, etc, etc. Those can be predictable, and we've both learned how to avoid most of those basic name pitfalls. It's the excuses like "I knew a boy named [Nathan in this case] who put gum in my hair in second grade. He was a jerk." Ok. I really liked the name Nathan, and this was vaguely like Luke's excuse for not liking it (I may have embellished slightly). So, let me recap. He doesn't like the name Nathan because he's harboring a grudge against a kid from the second grade!!!! Now, if he had said that he didn't like Nathan Lane, that would almost be more acceptable. Still, Nathan is out.
In Luke's defense, I have had some serious naming missteps. For example, yesterday I came up with a girl's name of "Hiatha." I'm putting that in quotes because after further research, I realized that it's not a real name. I thought it was interesting, but Luke said that it sounded like something that a ninja yells as he's breaking a board with his head. Fair enough. That's a perfectly good excuse for why you don't like my made up name. It's not like I was going to use it or anything! I was just trying to be creative!
In closing, I would like to point out that after weeks of playing the name game we still have no firm boys name. At least we've found a few that we can agree on. Nathan, of course, not being one of them!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Week 17
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Belly Button Meter
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Midwife Appointment Update
Monday, January 30, 2006
Ode to Stomach Sleeping
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Basic Answers
Due date: July 23, 2006
Sex: Not sure yet, but we find out in early March (can't wait!!!)
Weight gain: 8 lbs so far
Cravings: None so far, but sometimes certain foods seem really gross to me.
Luke: I think that Luke is really excited that we are pregnant. He's been on a diet so no real cravings for him. I may have him write a guest blog to share his true feelings and to tell everyone what a pain in the butt I've been!
Mysteries of Pregnancy Theater 3000 - Episode 1
Monday, January 23, 2006
Buy, Buy, Buy
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Pregnancy or Menopause???
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Week 14 Begins
Monday, January 16, 2006
Creepy Baby Growth
The Irony of Snow in the South
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Oink, Oink Moo, Moo
In baby news, BH (that's Baby Hamilton for future reference) is now 2.5 inches long and weighs 1/2 of an ounce. Apparently, in the next two weeks, the baby's kidneys will start to excrete urine right into the amniotic fluid. Yuck!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Please Leave Comments
Let the 2nd Trimester Begin!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Nurturing the Artistic Side
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The Bella Belt and Baby News
This week in development news, the baby's brain has the same structure it will have at birth (but a bit smaller). He/she has been growing fingernails for the past few days, and the thyroid, pancreas, and gall bladder have all completed their development. In mommy development news, I've finally had to give in and go up a bra size...yikes!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The Big Visit
I would have written about it yesterday, but we were busy watching the Rose Bowl and contemplating whether Vince Young will someday be a Tennessee Titan. With the third pick in the draft, it's certainly a possibility.
In other exciting news, our neighbors that we share the backyard with are also pregnant. She's about a month ahead of me, and she had the most fabulous suggestion to deal with my lack of maternity pants... a funky maternity belt. It's not really a belt, but more like a big piece of fabric that will cover my unbuttoned pants. It completely solves the problem. I can't remember the name of it, but she told me where to buy it. How exciting!!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
From Size 2 to 6 in Just 12 Weeks!
Well, yesterday Luke decided that he needed to put a stop to this madness. "It's time to get pants that fit," he said. I was at least hoping to make it to 13 weeks in the same jeans, but I was willing to go take a look at the maternity options. So, off we go to Target for our first maternity clothes shopping extravaganza.
My first thought is...what's with all of the elastic on this maternity stuff. All the pants are too big because of all that damn elastic, and let's not even get into those big belly holder things. I'm definitely not ready for that craziness! Yikes! This is so scary! Needlesstosay, I'm still maternity pantsless, but I'll let you know when I make the first big purchase. For now, it's back to the unbuttoning plan.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Indian Summer
Speaking of winter, there are only 39 days until the winter Olympics. I'm hoping that I can convince my midwife to put me on bed rest for a few weeks so that I can truly enjoy the spectacle. I'll have to ask her during my next appointment (which is only 2 days away!).
Sunday, January 01, 2006
When Two Inches Matter
So, this is my first blog. I suppose that I'll use it to update family and friends on baby status and such. Plus, I may muse on some other random interests from time to time. I haven't had a creative outlet to write in quite a while, but I'll try to keep it short and manageable. I'll also try to include some belly shots as I start to widen. That should keep it interesting. For the readers' sake, I'll try not to whine too much about nausea, exhaustion, and thickening thighs. Although, there's certainly plenty to say about the joys of pregnancy thus far!