Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One Step Forward

Hailey is learning how to go up and down the steps without holding on to the railing. She’s very careful and deliberate about it, but it makes me exceedingly nervous. She especially likes to do it at the park where she going up and down concrete steps without a railing. Of course, she doesn’t even want me to go near her while she is making these attempts. So, I’m relegated to the bottom while she goes up and down about 20 times. I guess we’re just lucky that she’s so cautious about it.

On another note, isn’t this the cutest picture you’ve seen of this child? Oh my goodness! I hate to brag, but she’s pretty damn cute…wouldn’t you say???

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hailey Meets Worms

Yesterday was our first day without Daddy, and I have to say that it went very well. As much as I complain about her terrible toddlerness, she’s actually a really good kid. I think that the key is just to keep her really busy, and yesterday we were!

When we got home from work, we went straight to the park, then picked up dinner at a nearby restaurant, ate quickly at home, and then headed to our new garden plot. Since this is our first year in the community garden, we decided to purchase some worms like many of our neighbors. The garden ordered 1,000 worms, and I got 100. So, how do you pick out 100 worms? Well, that’s where Hailey and a shovel come in. I first just scooped up what looked like 50 with a shovel and dumped them into my plot, but that wasn’t very fun for Hailey. So, I picked one up with my hand to introduce her to the concept. She touched it reluctantly and said “slimy” and “soft.” I decided to give her the important job of picking up the worms one by one and carrying them to our garden plot. Now, she didn’t do all 50, but she did really enjoy it. Then she decided that the worms needed to be dug into the garden with a trowel AND a hammer. It is clear to me that I better build her a garden of her own, lest she dig up my plants all summer long! Here are some shots of her escapades with the worms.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Put Your Game Face On!

I have a problem. It’s a major discipline problem. It could potentially make me a bad parent. Here it is – I cannot discipline my child without eventually laughing at her. If you could see the ridiculous and adorable faces she makes, you would understand. It’s like disciplining Cindy Lou Who with those big, expressive eyes. I’m not trying to make excuses for my bad parenting; I’m just trying to give you a sense of the situation on the front lines. The problem is that she knows that I’m weak. That is why she listens to Luke and not to me. That is why she will sit in timeout for him but not for me. Ugh…it’s so frustrating.

I must put an end to this Mommy abuse. I must be stern and strong and firm when I am disciplining her. Why am I contemplating my incompetence at this point? Because Luke is going away for 4 days and leaving me at home alone with our angel-faced demon-child. The test begins on Wednesday. Will I fail miserably or step up to the challenge? Only time will tell.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Funniest Picture

I think that these are the funniest pictures that I've ever taken of Hailey. After her nap (thus the hair), she was all ready to go help me in our new garden plot. The boots, unfortunately, were 3 sizes too big so she couldn't make it all the way to the garden without significant assistance. That didn't stop her from demanding to wear the boots for the rest of the day!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Full Sentences

While Hailey’s parrot-like behavior is still a constant, she’s now coming up with her own sentences. For example, at breakfast on Sunday she said “Josie is funny.” This morning she said “Go upstairs. Wake Daddy up.” That was my favorite so far. It’s really strange to know what she’s saying without having to translate it in my head.

It’s been pretty rainy here lately. Due to the drought, we try to be grateful, but it is difficult to have a pent-up toddler. On Sunday, we took a little trip to the Children’s Museum. Here’s a shot of Hailey painting. She loves to paint and what better place to do it than someplace where I don’t have to clean up the mess!