Monday, October 23, 2006

World Traveler

Hailey is quite the world traveler. In her first three months of life, she's already been to Buffalo, Norfolk, the Outer Banks, and Atlanta. Some people don't travel that much in their entire lives! We've put some new pictures up of her trip to the beach on the flickr account...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Baby Snot

Hailey has her first cold ever. It's not too bad so far, just a lot of snot and congestion. She doesn't seem to bothered by the whole thing, and she doesn't have a fever so I'm really not overly concerned at the moment. The worst part about it is the bulb suction device (otherwise known as the snot sucker). I try to use it as much as possible just so that she can breathe a little easier. Luke used it last night and then started shouting, "Look at this big booger I just pulled out of her nose." In his defense, it is quite amazing when you pull something giant out of there, but I really don't need to see every gross, disgusting mess she makes!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

2 Month Doctor Visit

Today was our two month doctor visit. Hailey weighs 10 lbs 1 oz and is 22.25 inches tall. She is in the 25th percentile for weight and the 40th percentile for her height. So, she's a little petite, but the doctor said that she looks like she's right on her proper trajectory. The doctor also marveled at how alert and happy she was for her age group. No surprise there...we all know that she is quite gifted. We also had to get the dreaded 2 month shots! It was three shots in the leg...ouch! Poor thing screamed louder than I've ever heard her scream before, but by the time we got home (which is a 5 minute drive), she was already asleep. She's pretty much been sleeping all day except for the half an hour when she ate. I'm just going to let her sleep off her grumpiness for now. We'll see how she reacts tonight.

Monday, October 02, 2006

New Pictures Available!

There are new pictures posted on our Flickr account. Here is the link...

In other news, Hailey took her first plane ride on Saturday. She was a perfect angel the whole way to Buffalo. Then, she spent the weekend visiting with friends and family. She was quite charming and everyone here was very taken with her adorableness. We are flying back to Nashville today, but she's been a bit fussy. So, wish us luck on the plane ride back!!!