Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Prospect of Moving

Now that we are getting to the point where we actually have to go live in Atlanta, I'm getting a little nervous. I know that it's going to be fine, but it is so unfamiliar. We are leaving all of our furniture and most of our worldly belongings in Nashville to help "stage" our house. Josie, our loving border collie, is going to live with my Mom and Step Dad for a little while, and we've already given away one of our cats. Thank goodness the other cat is coming with us. So much change in such a small period of time. I just can't imagine living in a place with rented furniture. I'm going to miss my bed and Hailey's rocker and my house. Of course, I can't even really express how much we are going to miss all of the people in Nashville. We are so thankful to our friends and family here for being so wonderful and kind, not to mention helpful in this transition. Well, I'm getting a little teary now so it must be time to start thinking again about all of the stuff I need to do before we leave!


Anonymous said...

We're going to miss you guys so much, but we can't wait to come see you in Atlanta! (perhaps even sans baby!)

Kate and Chris

ann said...

This is all part of the "great circle of life" I'm always telling you about. Wouldn't it be great if nothing ever changed? But then again, wouldn't life be incredibly boring?! Mark Twain once said: "20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the onces you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." It doesn't matter where you are, our hearts are always with you!