Friday, June 08, 2007

By Golly, I Think She's Got It!!!

There's nothing better than the moment that your child understands something for the first time. We've been trying to teach Hailey the signs for "more" and "all done" so that she doesn't just sit in her high chair and whine. We started this when she was about 6 months. She's 10 months now, and I think that she just might have it down. It's not a perfect system. No, there are still moments of whining and crying, but I think that she gets the basics. This morning she not only said more when she was out of bananas (without whining), but she also very calmly did the sign for all done just before she started whining o get out of her chair. It was amazing. Tomorrow I'm sure that she won't do it at all, but at least for the moment she gets it. So, I'm going to go bask in the glory of success before I move on to trying to teach her how to finally say Mama!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By George, of course she got it! She's a GENIUS, remember?!! I am so delighted to find an update on the Mommy blog....I was thinking of posting a request! (I know you guys have been totally slammed- just kidding.)

BTW, I forget...what is the sign for "all done"? I will definitely need to learn that.

What about posting some of the pictures Grandpa Gary took while visiting? They were great! I understand Grandma Kathy will be there this weekend with Josie....and undoubtedly there will be news to share on that reunion. Can't wait to see/hear! Give the little "Chunka-Lunka" a big kiss & hug from me - and have a great weekend with your Mom.

Grannymary, Nanna or whatever else Hailey eventually chooses to call me.