Monday, December 29, 2008

Mystery Fever Theater 3000

As I mentioned in my Christmas post, Hailey has another mysterious fever situation. I call it mysterious because she has no other symptoms…just a fever. If you’ll recall, she had a similar incident over the summer where the fever lasted 9 days, and we had to take her to the emergency room. That was a truly awful experience that ended with no answers and with her being afraid of doctors. Not something I’d like to repeat. Anyway, I hate the mystery fevers because you have no other clues as to what might be wrong, which means that my imagination is free to just make things up without any constraint.

Now, you might ask, “why have you not taken her to the doctor yet?” It was a timing issue. The fever started late last Monday. Tuesday was far too soon to worry about it. Wednesday and Thursday no one was open because of the holiday. Friday morning we were prepared to take her, but the fever actually broke at about 4:00am. Unfortunately, it was back the next day, which was our travel day back from Buffalo. Yesterday was Sunday so no one was open except the emergency room, and as I said before, I’m not doing that again. So, we’re taking her to her regular doctor at 11:30. That gives me an hour and a half to imagine the worst.

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